soo yeah
got a 69 on my math test
go ahead, i'll give you a sec to be a perve.
okay, now that you've gotten that out of your system
my mom thinks i'm stupid now
she even said it
she says she wants me to get a tutor
but i'm in 8th grade in Geometry
and that is like an 11th grade class or something
so she needs to back off
my dad is like screw her
come to think of it he already has.
and that's how i ended up here.
okay like everyone was talking in the line
going to lunch and i was trynig to be quiet and just like, stand there
so that we couldj ust go already
so she lets me go like 4th
and then i wasnt smiling
so chelsea immediately thought i was sad
and made a face that said "SMILE!"
so i smiled and mrs wamser goes
so i am like the last one to lunch
she makes me so mad
when i never did crap to her
and i still need a flippin monologue
and to finish my sci fair project.