New Applicant.

Jun 28, 2006 23:53


[x] First & Middle Name; Melody Paige
[o] Nickname[s]; Mel-Mel, Mel
[x] Age & Birthdate; April 28, 1991
[o] Location; Pound, VA
[x] Sexual Preference [Straight/Bi/Gay]; Straight
[o] Relationship Status[pics?]; Taken since 08/01/05

[x] Best & worst quality;
BEST: I'm very outgoing and funny. You will never be bored when you're with me.
WORST: I'm pessimistic about small things and I worry way to much.
[o] Best & worst feature;
BEST: I like the color of my eyes, but definatly not the size. They are huge!
WORST: My ears =\ They're huge also.

FAVORiTES( List at least 5 );;

[x] Foods;
1. Mashed Potatoes
2. Chicken
3. Ice-Pops
4. French fries
5. Cheese sticks
[o] Drinks;
1. Mountain Dew
2. Dr. Pepper
3. Lemonade
4. Milk Shakes
5. McDonald's Sweet Tea
[x] TV Shows;
1. Family Guy
2. South Park
3. Cheerleader Nation
4. Law & Order SVU
5. American Idol
[o] Bands/Singers;
1. The Spill Canvas
2. The Used
3. Atreyu
4. Death Cab For Cutie
5. Avenged Sevenfold
[x] Stores;
1. Maurices
2. Goodie's
3. Hollister
4. Pac Sun
5. Wet Seal
[o] Hobbies/Sports;
1. Cheerleading
2. Gymnastics
3. Jumping on the trampoline
4. Running
5. Soccer
[x] Actresses/Actors;
1. Julia Roberts
2. Angelina Jolie
3. Brad Pitt
4. Nicole Kidman
5. Reese Witherspoon
DiSLiKES[ List at least 3 ] ;;

[o] Foods;
1. Hamburgers
3. Meatloaf
4. Deviled Eggs
[x] TV Shows;
1. Law & Order CI
2. America's Got Talent
3. Anime shows
[o] Bands/Singers;
1. Anorexia Nervosa
2. My Chemical Romance
3. System of a Down
[x] Actresses/Actors;
1. Kirsten Dunst
2. Toby McGuire
3. Angelina Jolie
[o] Stores;
1. Claire's
2. Limited Too
3. Abercrombie & Fitch (though i tend to wear it a lot)

YOUR LiFE...;;

[x]What was your happiest moment of life so far?; When I met my boyfriend, Jordan.♥
[o]And your worst moment?; Last summer was probably the worst moment of my life for reasons i'm not really wanting to get into.
[x]Most embarassing moment; A few years ago when I met up with my biggest crush of the time at a basketball game. Someone spilled there pop on the stairs & didn't bother cleaning it up, & I ended up sliding all the way down the stairs when our team made the winning shot and I jumped up cheering. AGH.. may not sound bad. But it was terrible.
[o]Most Craziest Experience ; When Jordan & I went to Dolly Splash Country & I lost my bikini top in the wave pool..
[x]Who's your role model and why?[Provide pics if possible]; My bestfriend in the entire world. She has been through so much and still manages to deal with my crap and keep a smile on her face.
she's in the green.
[o]What are two things you can't live without?; My mom & Jordan.
[x]What do you want to be in life?; Succesful.

NUMBER... ;;

[o] Of guys you've kissed?; 2
[x] Girls you've kissed?; 3 <- ugh don't ask.
[o] Times youve been in love?; 1 time
[x] Of close friends?; 1 really close

OPiNiONS;; [ Choose AT LEAST 3 or possibly more for more chances of getting in ]
[x]Parental Advisory Stickers;
[o]Pre-Martial Sex;
[x]Underage Drinking/Illegal Drugs;
[x]Gay Marriage;
[o]Eating Disorders;
[x]George W. Bush;

My Three Choices:

Pre-Martial Sex; Everyone says "your body is your temple," but if it really is, then you should be able to do whatever you want with it. I see nothing wrong with this. It's your choice & if you're ready for it, then it's perfectly fine.

Suicide: I think it's terrible that some think they have to go to such lengths to be happy. I do think however, that society is way to harsh in saying that it's wrong and things. This just pushes people to want to go to such measures even more. Society today is really hypocrital & it really bothers me. They say they'll do anything for you & give you all the help you need when it comes to suicidal things, but when the opportunity strikes to help someone, we just turn the other way & say there was nothing we could do. There is a lot of things we could do, we just won't do them.

Self-Harm: I used to be a cutter. Keep in mind, used. I have been there and experienced it all first hand. I know how hard it is to stop, and unless you've been there yourself you can keep your opinions to yourself. For the simple matter that you don't know what you're talking about. Cutting is like a drug. It may not seem like it's addicting, but I was addicted to cutting. Addicted to the feeling & the blood. I'm not going to get into detail, I just wish people would be a little more tender with the subject. When a secret cutter here's people saying stuff like, "Cutting is stupid, I don't see who would do it or why they would, it's psychotic, blah, blah, blah". It breaks my heart to hear these things. It really does.


[x]Condoms||Birth Control; I take both. Birth Control though.
[o]Boxers||Briefs; Boxers
[x]Britney||Kevin; Britney
[o]Thong||Full-Back Panties; Depends on the outfit & occasion.
[x]Coke||Pepsi; Coke
[o]Tanning||Manicures; Ah, tanning.
[x]Abercrombie||Hot Topic; Abercrombie
[o]Poor&Happy||Rich&Sad; Poor & Happy
[x]Mexican food||Chinese food; Mexican


[x]If you could have sex with anyone in the world, alive or dead, who would it be and why?; My boyfriend. He's the only person I would ever feel that type of commitment for.
[o]What would you buy with a million dollars and why?; I would help pay for my mom's illness. She has MS and it's very expensive. I would love to help her pay for her medicine.
[x]What's your biggest fear?; Snakes
[o] Make us laugh :)... YOUR MOTHER. Ok, not funny =\
+Text = ?
+Picture = ?


[x]What sparked your interest to apply here?; The Mods.
[o]Where'd you find out about x_Hotterthanyou?; Promotion communities
[x]Are you going to participate in everything we offer and get as much points as possible?; As much as I can.
[o]One reason you think you belong here; Because i'm active.
[x]Say something sweet about the mods;;;;
jadore_greenday Your gorgeous.
krazykari123 You have great style.
[o]Why should we accept YOU?;
[x] Promote x_hotterthanyou to at least 3 active LJ's/communities and provide the links.
1.] -
2.] -
3.] -

I just started livejournal so I have no other communities.

PROViDE AT LEAST 3 PiCTURES OR MORE!! (If there's more than 1 person in the photo, indicate who you are and don't make us guess!)

i'm on the right.

me being retarded =)

my bestest & i. i'm on the right.

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