Title: Fun to Kiss
Claim: Ansem's Apprentices
Written For:
kingdom100, prompt- 047. Embarrassment
Rating: PG
"Someone drew ... something ... on my notebook!" Even was sitting at his usual table in the small living room.
Aeleus looked up. "What kind of something?"
Even's face was totally beet red. "...Something?"
"Is it something you want to share, Even?" Ienzo said primly, from his little corner of the couch.
"Not really..." Even scowled at EVERYONE. "Who did it?!"
Dilan rolled his eyes. "Come on, Even, use your brain."
...But of course. There was only one psychopath who would have drawn a large... well, the point was, IT WAS ALL BRAIG'S FAULT.
As usual.
He slammed the notebook down on the desk. "Where is he?"
"Where's who?" Braig poked his head up - FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE TABLE.
"Gah!" Even jumped backwards, stumbling into a chair. "Holy shit! Don't... DO that!"
"Do whuuuut..." He hopped onto the table, then picked up the notebook. "Draw dirty things on your notebook~?"
"Yes! And... pop up out of nowhere like that!" He flailed his arms about. "Stop it!"
Braig rolled off the table, back to the other side. Even sighed, and stood up from his chair... he picked up the notebook - then dropped it again, as if it were red-hot. Gah!
Delicately, he picked up the notebook... tore out the page, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it at the garbage can. It missed, of course, by a long shot.
"LIKE THIS?!" Suddenly Braig leapt out from behind a couch - when did he get there?! - and almost flew right into Even's face.
"OHMYGOD!" Even fell over backwards again, bruising his ass against the table. "Holy... CRAP! You are so annoying!"
Braig smirked, his hands on his hips. "Hell yeah, but I'm fun to kiss."
Dilan snorted quietly behind a hand, grinning.
"I said, 'hell yeah, but I'm - "
"I know what you said!!" Even gripped the table behind him for support, the sheer force of hyperactive Braig was enough to bowl anyone over, let alone a weakling like him. "And it's not true!"
Braig frowned; he looked mighty put out by that. "What? How do you know?"
Even scoffed and rolled his eyes. "It's obvious," he muttered.
And really, he should have expected what the response would be, because this is Braig we're talking about after all, but Even just didn't think sometimes, and thus he was totally unprepared.
Braig kissed him.
Even's eyes flew open and now he really clung to the table for support, frozen in place, because Braig was kissing him and...
Even's eyes fluttered closed.
He really was a good kisser.
Braig pulled an inch back and Even's lips followed his automatically, reaching forward - but then he realized what the hell he was doing, and shot back immediately.
If he was blushing before, it was nothing compared to how he looked now.
Braig smirked. He'd get hell from Dilan later... but the look on Even's face was so incredibly worth it.
"See Even? I'm lots of fun to kiss."