Go from
Photoshop CS2; NOT translatable
Involves Selective Colouring
This tutorial is helpful for getting rid of the blue in images that seem to have it in abundance, such as this.
One: I took
this image of Sophia Bush in the film Stay Alive from
S-B.net and cropped the icon to 100x100.
Two: Duplicate the base and set it to Screen at 100% opacity.
Three: Create a new Selective Colour layer (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selecting Colour..) and set it to as follows:
Reds -100,0,0,0
Yellows -100,43,-38,-70
Greens -32,-44,-32,-100
Cyans -43,-3,15,-49
Blues 100,-59,100,0
Magentas -57,-4,1,2
Whites -100,-3,-100,0
Neutrals 0,0,44,0
Four: Create another selective colour layer to bring out the red in the lips.
Reds -58,0,0,0
Five: Now take the smudge tool and smudge out the background, erasing the detail.
Six: Next take this
texture by
lovelamp and set the layer to screen at 100% opacity. Merge all.
Seven: Now take this
texture by
ihearttoronto and set the layer to screen at 100% opacity. Now since the whole of the circle is entirely over Sophia's body just move it downwards to make it arch over her, kind of like a rainbow. Once you are happy with your positioning merge all.
Eight: Now go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Brightness/Contrast. Set the Brightness to 20 then set the opacity of that to 70%.
Then that's you done! Finis!
You don't have to copy this tutorial exactly. It won't work for every icon. You may need to tweak it for others. Have fun!