... okay you guys. I'm so ridiculously hyper about the show last night, still. It was amazing. And now I'm going to attempt to recap as much of it as possible. Mostly because Carrie demanded that no detail be spared. SO. LOOK LOOK, A KILLERS ICON TO GO WITH THIS POST. 123go.
SO. Hot Hot Heat was cute and catchy and fun. One of the better openers I've seen lately. Even though their lead singer has this weird thing about sticking his tongue out at the end of words sometimes? Like... not sticking it out. But it just sort of ends up going past his lips. Idk. Anyways, I called my younger sister during "Talk With Me Dance With Me" because it's her favourite song. So that was aw.
AND THEN. OMG, LONGEST SET CHANGE OF EVER. Seriously. And WOAH, those guys climbing up ladders to sit at the top of the set to do spot lights. WOAH HI. Also, lol at the big circus-y SAM'S TOWN header. Oh BFlo.
Finallyfinally, lights go down and there is video projected on the big white sheet in front of the stage and sound and it's all very... wtf, Brandon. Totally weird, but totally figures. You crackhead. I was so excited I was just awed. Srs. It was kind of neat, actually. Since they did theses little fuzzy images from the CD and single covers. It was cute. AND THEN SCREEN DROPS AND BAM. THEY PLAY SAM'S TOWN. I fucking called that, you guys. I called it. I told my friend they were going to start with it AND I WAS RIGHT. And then right into Enterlude, which I also totally called.
The crowd was so fucking... crazy. Really. I was on the floor with them all, but still. Screaming and arms in the air and jumping up and down. But aw, everyone was having such a good time.
And then! THEN. Dave fucking teases us. At the end of Enterlude, he plays that opening chord for When You Were Young, and we just went crazy. But he plays the chord again. And again. And he gets up on the amp and lifts his guitar up and plays it AGAIN. And by now, we're all just fucking SCREAMING. AND FINALLY THEY LAUNCH INTO THE REST OF THE SONG. Oh man. So good.
AND THEN. Brandon starts talking after WYWY. Something about having something to share with "... you, Calgary. But it’s not a feeling in our heart because it’s not strong enough. And it’s not a feeling in our gut because it’s not cold enough." And he paused and I totally screamed, "IT’S A FEELING IN OUR BONES!!1!! OMG BONES" And he said, "It’s a feeling in our boooones~" AND THEN BONES. OMG.
The rest of the setlist is totally not in order because I don’t even remember it. But it was a really awesome balance of new and old. SO, for the sake of brevity, songs they DIDN’T PLAY (only off albums, because hi, no bsides. Ftl, Bflo, ftl): Andy T__T; Change Your Mind; Believe Me Natalie; Midnight Show T___T; This River is Wild; Why Do I Keep Counting T___T
Sadfaces indicate songs I wanted played, you bastards. BUT THERE WAS SHADOWPLAY. And "You’re just too good to be true... can’t take my eyes off of you." AWAWAWAWAWAW. (Not for Tanner, no. Nonononono.)
ANDAND OMG. DURING JENNY. HE TOTALLY SANG, "She kicked and screamed while I held her throat." OMG. I FANGIRLED ALL OVER MYSELF.
They played for about a solid hour before going off. But then we screamed at them for encore and they came back, played 5-6 song encore and we were all YAY. And then a bunch of people started to leave and Brandon snuck back on to the back piano and was all, "Hey now, I’m not letting you off that easy." Before EXITLUDE. Awaw. And Brandon was all, this is our last night with HHH on tour and it’s sad, we’ll miss them. They gave us a lot of hope when we were starting out because they had a lot of the same influences as us and they were getting noticed. So. Yeah, we’re sad. AND I WAS ALL AWWWW. Brandon, you're such a sap. OMG.
But, at the end of Exitlude, we were all singing along to "It's good to have you with us, even if it's just for the day. Outside the sun is shining, seems like heaven ain't far away." And Brandon sang it a few times, getting progressively softer. But the whole audience was singing along and so he sort of stood up from behind the piano and started conducting us. AW. IT WAS SO COOL. And cute.
And then we were STILL screaming and he came up to the synth and was all, "Well, I think we have it in us for ONE more song..." and so they started WYWY again from "... the devil’s water" and we all just fucking ROCKED OUT. He was all saying things about blowing the roof off the Saddledome. It was cute.
And! OH! At one point about .... 3/4 through the show he asked the floor if "everybody was getting along down there" and that it was "such a positive atmosphere. We should all be nice to each other." AW YOU CUTIE OMG.
Carrie wanted to know what he was weaaaring. So. Apparently they’re the Wizard of Oz/Dorothy shoes. But yeah. POINTY AND GLITTERY RED. Wtf, srsly. And uhm, mostly blacks and greys. Black pants, a longsleeve maybe slightly stripey dress shirt, vest and bright red loopy ribbon instead of a tie.
AND DAVE. Aw Dave. Those thighs. Srsly, ravish now, plz. He was so cute and kept doing clappy things to get us to clap along. And kept jumping up on amps to play to us. AND I WAS ON HIS SIDE. SO IT WAS GRAND. There wasn't a lot of the ghey with Dave, which was sad. But he and Brandon did pause noticeably between a few songs to say something to each other. AW. And then they both got up on amps side-by-side and Brandon kept making grand gestures towards Dave and aw.
Mark didn’t move hardly at all. Swears. I sort of ignored him, oops? And poor Ronnie’s receding hairline is unfortunate. Tears. BUT I SAW TED. I really did. He was all hanging out in the back, grinning stupidly and being obscured by smoke machines. Srsly, I don’t think the gheys wanted us to know he was there.
Brandon is such a ponce. GOD. So cute though. And he pranced about and made awkward hand/arm gestures and shook his ass a bit, yes really. And he totally molested himself during BONES and MR. BRIGHTSIDE. Which I was not opposed to at all. I want one.
So, I realize this is totally incoherent, but gosh. It was so amazing. And then, I went with my friend to the gay nightclub in Calgary, because he is gay and a bunch of other people he knew where going there. I'd been there before and it's really nice, actually. And seriously, gay men are the sweetest things of ever. Seriously, the only boys who will dance with me and call me "gorgeous" are gay men. I had this one guy (total stranger, btw) kiss my hand instead of shake it. It was aw. And seriously you guys, gay men know how to DANCE.
Also, it was SEXY SHORTS night, so I got to watch two guys strip down to their underwear in front of the whole club. Not complaining. The event was also hosted by a drag queen who was SO NICE. And so pretty! Seriously, she looked so good in her skirt and was totally charming and did the cutest dance/lip synch. I'm starting to think that gay bars are more fun than straight bars. HM. Alsoalso my friend bought me all my drinks. So, I got a biiit drunk. He's on staff there (works the door) so he just put it all on his tab. He's the same friend that always buys me alcohol when I go out. So the only time I get drunk is when he's buying... because I'm SUCH an expensive drunk.
Anyways. His friends are super nice. And then we took a taxi home at like 2am. AND. I hailed a cab for the first time in my life. Seriously guys. I know none of you are reading down this far, but this is not a big deal. It happens when you live in a small town. You always just call cabs in advance. But Calgary is big cities, you guys. And it was sort of cool. I realize I'm a loser for getting excited over this, but SHUSH.
RIGHT. So, that was my night. Awesome, yes? But now I think I have to go wake my mom up off the couch, because I think she has to go pick my little sister up from her friend's house. OKAY. ♥ you all.