here is a list of my resources and affiliates <33
These are the sites that I get my brushes, textures, art ect. If I missed you, please tell me! :3
Project ZeroLovely Trashcolorfiltercolortonearisuboxewanismokashiyaindienotebookpr0sthetixspiritcodathawicked Artwork/Images:
Beyond Cameras LenseKakko-iijrock_scans Affiliates -
softly_bastardpotato_chippunyappy_graphicsglass_x_wingsstacked_rubbishlavender_teavelvet_graphicsxsugar_heavenxstarfruit_iconsxloliconsxif you would like to affiliate with
x_konpeitocafe just comment here! :D
if you would like to work for x_konpeitocafe please comment here! all that is required is you MUST make graphics and post them least once a month.