(no subject)

May 15, 2005 08:08

OK, I think I did it all, I might've skipped a question or two, so if somethin doesn't sound like me... then it -might- not be me, but who knows.

This survey made: March 29th, 2006
Last updated: September 22, 2005
A thorough update? I changed like, two things.


Name: Sarah
Nicknames: Stara, S-dizzle,
AIM screen name: x Auf Achse 5
E-Mail: snowflakes1212@yahoo.com
Sex: female
Birthday: 12.12.89
Height: 5'4"
Hair color: brown
Is your hair long or short: long
Eye Color: hazel
City born in: Tacoma, WA
Location now: Garden City, MI
Siblings: Chris-31(?) Laura-16 Andy-13 Sam-11
Parents married/divorced: Married
Who makes you laugh the most?: Lauren
Who knows the most about you?: Laura
Boy/girlfriend status: single


Background image?: Weezer, Livin' in Beverly Hills
Your comment link is about what?: nothing.
Connected or Disconnected entries?: disconnected?
Update often?: yeah
Do you read your friends livejournals?: Yessir
Do you read your communities entries?: most of them
Do you like communities? I LOVE them
Did you ever have an online diary before this?: yeah. I had a Woohu, but I rarely updated
Does anything annoy you about Live Journal?: Yeah
Do you like your Live Journal?: yup


Do you have a job: Nope, I WANT ONE
Who's your role model: My Parents
Most interesting thing you did last summer: Band Camp?
What store do you shop at the most: uhh
Have you ever done any drugs: Nope.
Are you a ditz: not really, sometimes
Any medical condition?: OCD, Social Aniexty Disorder


Favorite Night of the Week: Friday
Things in your room: Stereo, regular junk, posters
CD: Franz Ferdinand, The Killers, Relient K
Song(s): WAYY to many.
Animal: Chickens, Squirrels, dogs, lemurs, cats
Ice Cream: Moose Tracks, Cookies n’ Cream, Chocolate, Chocolate Peanut Butter,
Drink: Ice Water, Chocolate Milk
Thing to do: sleep, go on the computer, drive
Movies of all time: Pirates of the Caribbean, Ladder 49, The Mighty Ducks Trilogy, The X-men movies, Spiderman 1&2, War of the Worlds, Fantastic Four,
Hangout: ehh
Favorite pizza topping: just cheese
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: I’ll be 25. I want to be married, have a good job, and maybe a kid.
If you could live anywhere: Alaska, or up north
What age do you want to get married: 23? 24?
How many kids do you want: Three
Girl's names: Chloe and Melinda
Boy's names: Jack, Vincent, Jamie


Been in love?: nope
Lied?: yeah
Cheated on a test?: nope
Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No
Tied your shoes together? No?
Eaten something with a lot of fat?: yeahhh
Had sex?: Nope.


Worst feeling in the world: being scared
Best feeling in the world: Being needed.
Do you get along with your parents?: yeah
Are you ticklish?: sometimes


First thing you notice about the opposite sex: Eyes and shoes.
Perfect "dream" date: concert, dinner.. I dunno
Who is your best friend of the opposite sex?: I dunno. Ben? Brad?
What do you look for in the opposite sex: honesty, knowing when to be serious, protective, hair


What do you wear to bed: dance pants from years ago, t-shirt.
What's your bed time: eh depends on the day
Do you wish on stars: nope
Is there a TV in your room: nope
What's the last thing you do before you fall asleep: Pray
How many schools have you been to: Lathers Elementary, GCJH, GCHS
Are you passive or aggressive: When it comes to sleeping? uh
Vanilla or chocolate: Chocolate!
Would you rather be hot or cold: Cold!
What is your curfew: not sure


Person you can trust the most: Laura, Parents, Traci, Ali, LeAnn, Lauren
What is the best quality of a friend: Accepting you for who you are, trust
What friend do you have the most fun with: all of them!


If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? umm, my “un-”ability to talk in front of people
Have you ever tried to kill yourself: no way
Do you know anyone who SERIOUSLY wanted to kill themselves?: I don’t think so. Most people who say they do just want attention
Who do you really hate?: Mrs. Selix and John Kerry are the only people I seriously loathe.
Do you like jewelry?: MOST DEF
Do you wear a watch?: sometimes
Do you believe in love at first sight?: eh, not particually
What are your favorite tv show(s)?: American Idol, Survivor, Arressted Development, The Simpsons, Malcolm In the Middle
What color tooth brush do you use?: My Electric one is Blue/White. My non-electric one is purple/silver
Is the glass half empty or half full: half-full
Most dangerous thing you've ever done: uh, I don’t ‘do’ the danger thing.


What is your opinion of the death penalty?: Yes! If you kill someone, you deserve to die!

What is your opinion on abortion? Definitely Pro-Life. When a baby is made, it also has a life. You’re killing someone. That someone might’ve someday discovered the sure for cancer, or something equally great. You might’ve just wrecked your chances at having a better life. You also wrecked someone else’s. That kid will NEVER learn to walk, ride a bike, or drive a car. Maybe not, that baby will go to Heaven and have a better life than it ever will here.

How do you feel about the legalization of drugs?: I’m not really sure. I think that if it’ll make you feel better, that sure. As long as you make sure that the person is being watched carefully, and that no one else gets their hands on it. I don’t really know about the whole thing though.

How do you feel about censorship? When is it okay and when isn’t it?: Well, I definitely think that TV shows and video games violence/language could be toned down. I think that once in a while, you need to swear to get your point across, but I don’t enjoy hearing the F-Bomb dropped in every sentence

What is your opinion on pre-marital sex?: No way. You should definitely wait, a lot less consequences.

Do you identify more strongly as a pacifist or as an “eye for an eye” person?: I’m a little bit of both. As you read, I agree with the death penalty-eye for an eye. But, revenge isn’t always right. Like stupid school fights

Do you feel that Bush is a good president? YES. He’s amazing. He and his father have been soo great to our country and I think he’s one of the best. He’s had to deal with wayyy more junk that fricken Clinton had to. Clintons the reason we’re in this mess. NOT Bush. I wish more teenagers would open their eyes and actually read the news, besides agreeing with what-ever Green Day has to say.

Do you feel Tony Blair is a good prime minister?: I s’pose he’s doing all right. I’m not sure on what he has/hasn’t done.. so I don’t really want to say anything

If you’re American, did you vote in the last presidential election? Who did you vote for?: Not old enough. My vote would’ve been for BUSH though!

Do you think that Martha Stewart should go to prison for her involvement in insider trading? Yeah. Just because she’s a celebrity she doesn’t get special treatment.

What is your opinion of Howard Stern? How often do you listen to his radio show, if at all?: I don’t know. I’ve never heard his show.

Are you democrat/labour/liberal OR republican/tory/conservative?: 100% Republican. More like, 110%.

Are you a feminist?: Not really.

How do you feel about homosexuality? Are you homophobic, gung-ho queer rights or somewhere in between?: Definatley not homophobic, I just strongly believe that homosexuality is wrong. People are stupid, and think that if you’re against it, you automatically afraid of Gays. No way. I don’t not like the guy, I just don’t like the sin.

Do you believe homosexuals should be able to get legally married and receive the same benefits as heterosexual married couples receive?: No way! “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;” Romans 1:25-28
How do you feel about gays in the military? As boy scout leaders? As teachers? As church leaders?: Well, I know that MY CHURCH would say no to having a Gay leader. I would to. But as for in the military, of course. If they want to fight for the country, let them do it! Boy scout leaders-I’d be a little skeptical to let MY boy join with him, but I guess as long as he doesn’t like, tell them to be gay or anything, then why not

Would you say you are more racist or more open-minded about other peoples’ races and cultures?: NOT racist. Although racist jokes are somewhat funny, I don’t like the hear them. Everyone is alright.

Do you look down on foreigners? (Are you a Xenophobe)?: I don't look down on them. I think they’re brave for comin’ over here. I be terrified to leave my country alone. Of course, the stereotypes everyone says cross my mind occasionally.


What musical styles do you like?: Rock, Christian Rock, Adult Alternative

Your favorite musicians: Relient K, Switchfoot, Franz Ferdinand, Linkin Park, Hoobastank, The Long Winters, Maroon 5

Your favorite songs: Wayy to many!

If you have a CD book for the car, dorm, home, etc. what CDs are in it at the moment? Woo, a lot of stuff. Rockish junk, and Josh Gracin

What radio stations do you listen to? Do you listen to the radio much?: All the time. 89x

Do you like or dislike talk radio? Do you ever listen to it?: If my mom’s driving, then I listen to it. I don’t really like it. Sometimes its okay

What are your favorite television channels/stations?: Fox Family, Fox, CBS,

Do you watch much tv?: uhh, only if there’s something I want to watch on.

Do you like to go to museums?: yeah I guess

What kind of art do you like?: um.

Who are your favorite artists?: Not much into that stuff….

What are your favorite movies?: Didn’t I already do this?

What is the last film you saw in a theater?: Umm, War of the Worlds

Do you enjoy going to see plays/musicals or any other kind of live theater? Do you see theater productions often?: Yeah, anything is awesome.

Do you like to read? How often do you read? Are you a fast reader?: I read ALL the time. I read fast, but not when I’m reading outloud. I haven’t read anything that good lately though  Any Suggestions?

What sorts of books do you like to read?: sometimes dark, sad stuff

Who are your favorite authors?: No one in particular

What are your favorite books?: Comfort, When Zachary Beaver Cam to Town, Speak,

Who are your favorite comedians?: ehh, Ryan Stiles? (anyone on Who’s Line is it Anyway?)

Do you like to play sports? Which are your favorites to play?: Not playing, but I love Hockey. I also like to ice skate

Do you enjoy shopping?: YES

Do you buy things online? Where?: Sometimes. Like from the Sanrio Store, or Ebay

Do you spend much time on the internet?: Oh yes.

What are your favorite websites?: Livejournal.com, FanFiction.net, MySpace.com, tagged.com,


Assuming smell and taste aren't connected, if you had to lose one of your 5 senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch) which would it be? Smell I guess

If you had to physically lose either your eyes, nose, or mouth but you could still keep their functions (ie. if you lost your eyes you could still see)which would it be? That’s weird. My nose I guess??

If you could only eat the same meal (1 entree, 1 side dish, 1 salad, 1 desert, and 1 drink) repeatedly for the rest of your life with health not being a consideration what would it be? uh. Beef/Cheese Tacos, French fries, just lettuce, Boston Cream Cake, ice water

If you had to choose between living in a house shaped like a cartoon star, mushroom, or flower for the rest of your life which would you choose? A mushroom would be cool…

If you were only allowed to take 1 trip for a month to any city in the world during your lifetime (if you tried to get outside the city border to visit other cities you would run into an invisible fence and die) what would it be? umm, Either Marquette, Michigan, or someplace in Germany

If you could have 1 superpower (be creative) but had to keep that superpower for the rest of your life, what would it be? I can’t ‘do’ creative. I wish I could fly, or shoot out ice, like ICEMAN!

If you had to choose one animal besides humans to rule the world (whichever animal it is would take the average size of a human) what would it be? CHICKENS!

Option 1: Be able to eat whatever you want, whenever you want without losing health or gaining weight but you can never listen to or play music again.
Option 2: Listen to music and play it like a goddess for the rest of your life but you can't eat anything ever again (you will remain healthy): That’s hard. I’d pick music

If you had to choose to grow an extra body part (a real one), what would it be? haha lol. An arm I guess?

If the world could only be 1 color but could include all the different shades of that color, which would you choose? That’d be gross to look at. Maybe blue

If you could be any natural disaster (hurricane, volcano, flood, etc) what would you be? A flood I guess, I dunno why

If you had to grow either a bird beak, a pig snout, a giraffe neck, or an elephant trunk and couldn't hide any of them which would you choose? A giraffe neck, I could see really far.

If you had to live the rest of your life being a character in 1 video game for any entertainment system, what would it be? That Princess from Mario, because she has a rocking pink dress and she gets to wear a crown.


15 Years Ago, I...
1) was 5 months old.
2) was moving to Michigan.
3) met Laura
4) rode in a camper for weeks.
5) had a dog named Nikki, and a cat named Ester.

10 Years Ago, I...
1) was five years old.
2) started school.
3) moved to my Florence Street house.
4) became friends with Sam Hall.
5) only wore dresses.

5 Years Ago, I...
1) was ten years old.
2) was in fifth grade.
3) loved the Backstreet Boys.
4) went to Greenfield Village.
5) had a dog names Satchel

3 Years Ago, I...
1) was twelve years old.
2) my first hamster, Cinnamin died
3) was best friends with Brittany Korpi
4) started playing the flute
5) Started Junior High

1 Year Ago, I...
1) was 14 years old.
2) met Lauren, who is AWESOME
3) wanted to be a journalist
4) got back into band
5) started to love the Brendan Leonard Show
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