Five details about you...
[x] my name is stevie
[x] i play guitar
[x] i have no scoial life
[x] i have no girlfriend:(
[x] i hate the way i look
Five details about your appearance right now...
[x] my hairs a mess
[x] i have a polo shirt on
[x] i look so bad, as per usual.
[x] i look depressed according to my dad
[x] im wearing converses
Five memorable things you did in the last year...
[x] Taking Back Sunday
[x] My Chemical Romance
[x] Blink 182
[x] sung on stage
[x] as cliché as it sounds, broke my heart for the first time
Five things that everyone should know about you...
[x] i have no life
[x] i get hurt easily
[x] i'm worthless
[x] i hate what and who i am
[x] i love my frends more than anything
Five favorite groups...
[x] Blink182
[x] TheUsed
[x] Taking Back Sunday
[x] My Chemical Romance
[x] Funeral For A Friend
Five favorite movies...
[x] waterboy
[x] Alladin
[x] little nicky
[x] freddy got fingered
[x] Big daddy
Five things that make you happy...
[x] having something to live for
[x] kisses :(
[x] hugs
[x] jade
[x] my friends
Five people who mean a lot to you ... [in alphabetical order]
[x] Dad
[x] Jade
[x] mum
[x] Ryan
[x] Stuart
Five things that disgust you...
[x] racists
[x] me
[x] liars
[x] false people
[x] the guy in the mirror
Five things that impress you...
[x] true friends
[x] honest people
[x] confidence
[x] talent
[x] caring people