Title: The Crane Wife
Chapter: Six (Part II): Eight-->this had to be cut in half and posted separately due to lj length limitations
x_losRating: NC-17
Pairing: Five/Ainley!Master
Summary: In which the Doctor apologizes.
aralias--I'm posting this under f-lock for the moment because she hasn't quite endured it in full just yet. I'll make it
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Comments 44
Just... just... FIIIVE. And the Five-as-a-selkie imagery was so pretty.
I was a little surprised by the sudden darker turn at the end of the first section. It was like, OHSNAP SUDDEN UNEXPECTED DUBCON. But then Five just PWNS ALL and as much as they're *true*, I want to strangle him for saying those things to the Master. HARSH, DOCTOR. TOO HARSH.
Oh, but then he came back and *apologized* and it was ridiculously sweet and I may have wibbled a bit. Oh, and hello awesome porn. But then oh no SOMETHING IS UP because Five is being Poignant and DON'T TRUST HIM MASTER, HE'S GOING TO ESCAPE AND RUIN THE FLUUUUFF.
And-and-and then... DOCTOOOOOR. *cries* HOW COULD YOU?
And now I'm dead of angst.
But just an itty bitty thing:
“Turn around. On your hands and knees.”
the Doctor complied, and in a moment continued... Your capital letter ran away there. Might want to catch him. :D ( ... )
I think this is Five's 'actually I'm a badass--so you know' chapter--see Five smack the Master down! See Five escape with incredible competence!
How could the capital letter betray me like that?! I THOUGHT IT WAS LOVE!!
Ah, yes, thanks, fixed that--now he takes it off when he gets the wristlets.
Hah, no, shouldn't do, I don't have to move continents between these chapters. :p
And I completely loved Five's badass-ness, btw. He really is incredibly awesome, he just never gets to show it off. Poor Five. It's not your fault things die around you a lot in canon.
Am v. nervous awaiting the last chapter now. I hope the Master doesn't go too batshit. Or at least, if he does, that Five gets to pwn him some more. *bites nails*
I know! He's just grossly unlucky. And takes it worse than other Doctors.
Muahahahaha. You will have to WAIT FOR IT.
Oh good good, I've been pretty worried re: having failed to write mutually sympathetic characterization in that bit even since someone told me they read it as black and white straight-up rape.
Hah. Thinking of this, have made a giant list of shit that remains unfinished/unedited--and there's a lot more than marriage!crack--but that's 26,008 at the moment, so it may well get finished soon, if only because there's not a /LOT/ left to write, possibly 20,000 more.
Poor guy--there's no hugging in this Palace. Just drama and SCIENCE!!
I've been following this fic since it started, and you appear to be one of those writers whose brilliance makes me want to hide in a corner and never attempt to write again. Thankfully, that impulse has been transformed into 'I must write, just to contribute to anything RELATED to said brilliance'.
*sighs* Pornography really is the best way to prepare oneself for a Politics Exam, I DON'T THINK.
Thanks about it being badass! I wanted him to do something hard so I could assure myself I wasn't writing woobie!subby!Five.
Ah no, actually--I edited it at some point when I realized I'd not taken care of the collar, and now it goes when the cuffs do. Otherwise he'd just be too easy to track?
I think he currently believes the Master will cool down, given a little time... aha.
Again, thanks for commenting!
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