Title: The Crane Wife
Chapter: Seven (Part I): Eight
x_losRating: PG
Pairing/Characters: Five/Ainley!Master, Benny, Tegan, Turlough, Nyssa
Summary: In which the Master hunts the Doctor across the stars (like the faithless git he is), and in the process takes tea with his mother.
aralias, for doing the hard work for me, and
innocentsmith and
alex_e_smith for much-needed
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Comments 28
Hee, I like the Doctor's parents too, who in my fanon were largely absent, if well meaning. I like that he has a warm family here.
Conversely, the Master's mother is rather I have always imagined her. Brilliant but seeing her child almost purely as a genetic legacy who she has impossible expectations for, and not really seeing him as a person at all. Poor Koschei.
Sydney: adorable!
Tremas being still alive and tolerantly amused by the goings-on: lolarious!
This whole chapter: win!
I love how the Doctor is clearly a cross between his parents - I loved Verity going after the unexploded bomb, especially. And the hinted explanation for what happened in alt!"Keeper of Traken" is great, because it must have all been so much more pleasant this go around. Also, the Master being foiled by domesticity and sort of fuming and also being charmed/overwhelmed by the Doctor's parents never gets old, nor does his pining after baby!Doctor in his Eton outfit. ♥ It's much better this way, Master, take it from us.
The Doctor is just lucky the Master's not QUITE crazy enough to run up to baby!Doctor and be like WANT A RIDE IN MY TIME-SPACE MACHINE? Because baby!Doctor? Would say yes. And would totally sleep with him. I mean no one else is going to be interested enough to overlook the ridiculous Eton 'bum freezer' coat.
You made me like a story with the Doctor's family. You made me LOVE a story with the Doctor's family. That shouldn't be possible.
They're both undeniable their own people with their own personality, but you can tell they're his parents. Sydney is so sweet, of COURSE he knows how to juggle, and I would gladly go live with Verity.
TREMAS LIVES! That may be one of my favorite little details in this AU. I was grinning like an idiot, it's partially the mental image of Tremas!Ainley and Ainley!Master together, partially how amused by the whole thing he is. Oh, Tremas, never change.
I've been reading along like the quiet lurker I am, but I have thoroughly enjoyed it. You draw out the AU beautifully, they're both still themselves. You write one of the most convincing Ainley!Masters I've read.
In a sad way, I think Tremas hanging around so much sort of emphasizes him as a reason that this universe could end more happily than the real one, i.e. that the Master hasn't crossed HUGE lines (a la dead Tremas, no more Traken).
As far as Ainley!Master: o_O I find this bitchIMPOSSIBLE to write. I just wish I were writing delgado or something, because he's so consistent you can just /hear/ how his voice is supposed to sound, and work from that, but with ainley it is always a stab in the dark. So I'm glad he sounds okay for you.
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