Title: "Dressing-Down" (Drabble)
x_losRating: R
Pairing: Six/Ainley!Master
Summary: B_E kinkmeme prompt: Six/Master. The Master can't stand the Doctor's outfit. Understandably. Exactly 100 words, excepting the title. (a tidied old kinkmeme drabble)
aralias (
Dressing-Down )
Comments 5
My one nitpick, if you're interested in tidying, is really just the first line-- I feel like 'you're not fit to be seen with' would make more sense than 'in', or else 'those [clothes] aren't fit to be seen in'. *can't turn off the internal brain editor, apparently*
Well, it's supposed to be in as in... sexually? Clothes aren't fit to be seen in, the normal phrase is you're not fit to be seen with, someone not fit to be seen in might be someone you'd be embarrassed to find fucking b/c they look like a children's birthday clown?
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