Title: Ever-Fixed Mark
x_losRating: G
Pairing: The Doctor/The Master: Three/Delgado!Master, Five/Ainley!Master, Ten/Simm!Master
Characters: Three, Eleven, Five, Ten, River Song, Jo Grant, mentions of others
Summary: "...there it is. Neat, looking fresh-drawn. It apparently came with the Master’s assumption of the body, with his transformation
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Comments 9
This really shows how heartbreaking a pairing Doctor/Master is, how much conflict is involved in it. Like, you say this is "crack" but it doesn't read like crack, really.
And I like the mention of the Master trying to show his mark at the end, to make it visible and that contrasted with how Six's outfit shifts attention away from his mark.
WARNING: Don't mean to offend at all, but I might. If so, sorry, Christians!
Like, just look at, say, Christianity, with its zombie, virgin-born namesake. The idea commonplace and not really viewed as ridiculous, not the same way as those tropes are, but nonetheless, it kinda is. So yeah, I guess, ridiculousness as a function of familiarity and culture, not necessarily objective truth all the time.
Possibly offensive part over.And yeah, the Master's POV isn't included here. Which, in the style or whatever in which this is written, makes a lot of sense. Like, I didn't ever really expect his POV. (What I did expect was Missy, for some strange reason [maybe I thought the gender/sex/whatever change, like the burnt-up body of Crispy and the Traken body of Ainley!Master, to be more significant than it is], never mind that you stopped ( ... )
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