[Name♥] Vanessa
[Age♥] 14
[Location♥] smalllllllll quiet suburbs of Illinois. Quite a change from where i used to livE CHICAGO OMFGZX.1!!1. anyway..
[Sexual Preference♥] straight. OR BI YOU NEVER KNOW UNLESS YOU TRY! ..notice that rhymed.
[Significant other (pic?)♥] ...none. lol..
[Favorite Bands 10+♥] mmm.. alright: The Blood brothers, fear before the march of flames, the bled, emery, the early november//icanmakeamesslikenobodysbuisness, underoath, northstar, moneen, a static lullaby, folly
id do my top ten UNSIGNED bands but eh..
[Favorite Genre of Music♥] Screamo
[Favorite Show you have been to♥] a bunch of local bands and...EMERY!
[Favorite Lyric♥] hmmi have a lot..but for now..
and jane let you touch her and feel her and she was so free like a pinapple in a tree buttttttt...
she said its dangerous to be so intimite you know its dangerous dangerous dangerous
and jane said when she laid on her back..
And the sun hit her body like an ugly landscape
but some things never get better like used cars and bad livers
so you traded her in for a better lookin brand
one with fake porno tits, a padlock on her lips, disposable tan, biodegradable hands.
[Spare Time Killers♥] cover songs or make up something on my guitar steve, drawing, taking pictures with my camera phone, el jay, AIM,
[Random Likes♥] music music music, dancing at shows, the color green, rainbows, the words: oblivious, sulfur, and..kinky, daisies, bubbles, the summer, proactive rofl.
[Random Dislikes♥] president retard bush, spiders, falling, bugs, posers, people that dont believe me when i say something. ..i hate that.BR>[Soemthing Interesting about you♥] ...i can...PICK UP ANYTHING WITH MY FEET. well, actually..i bet anyone can do that. okay well, ...i have add.tada.
[Tell us or show us something to make us laugh♥] So, this one time.. on vacation in texas..my mom told me to wait in the car cause her and my aunt were going to get something really quick from the store? right, so i get out of the car and i go into the store looking for them. when i spot my mom..i run really fast ..snatch her purse..and keep running. she screams, i eventually stop running ...because im laughing so hard. she hits me over the head with her purse..and the end.
[What makes you worthy of our emo love?]
(Say something creative you fuck heads)♥] psh, i'l have you know that.. I'm so effing caring that i wish i wasnt. I cant even hit someone with out being like ..son of a...sorry. Like, you could kill my mom and the next day id still be like, "hey whats up?" ..i cant stay mad at anyone. I trust everyone (which is a bad thing) and ..i..dont hate anyone. except my dad. but thats just him.
[A direct link to two communities you promoted us to♥]
[A Few Pics of yourself♥]
[Picture with a proofs sign (NO PAINT/PHOTOSHOPing)♥]
i hope its alright that its more then one picture..
Observe: le cd player.
what goes in the cd player.
a happy camper.