[Name] ellie
[Age] 14
[Location] hicksville, virgina
[Sexual Preference] penises
[Significant other (pic?)]
[Favorite Bands 10+]
1 story of the year
2 bright eyes
3 houston calls
4 journey
5 snow patrol
6 underoath
7 alexisonfire
8 journey
9 frou frou
10 jamison parker
[Favorite Genre of Music] genres isnt in my vocabulary. so basically anything that sounds great or is comes to my liking
[Favorite Show you have been to] underoath or face to face
[Favorite Lyric]
"get into the groove boy you've got to prove your love to me." played on the radio as we drove down south to see our families. you were lying there in the passenger chair sound asleep. i could recall a time when the evenings were bright and thick with love, and all the city streets and their lights, they were so mysterious. oh life it was so wonderful it would shit oh like fire. how we sat on the backs of our cars and laughed into the morning.
[Spare Time Killers] im pretty athletic ;; softball and soccer && i enjoy supporting local bands ;; phone && computer
[Random Likes] murder movies, chocolate cake, amusment parks, amusing things, sausage, any music, carnivals, shows, oscar mayer comerical, dragon tales
[Random Dislikes] running out of toilet paper, spinach, bees, pimples, bougers
[Something Interesting about you] i still act like im 6 i love to have fun && being as the people around here are so IM SO MUCH COOLER THAN YOU, i like to have fun my way, even if that means pushing each other around food lion in the shopping carts or hiding in the clothing racks of the department store && scaring strangers people && i stil like dragon tales =D but if you hatin', stfu
[Tell us or show us something to make us laugh]
i guess if you dont get it its not funny
[What makes you worthy of our emo love?] cause above all im loving && caring && outgoing person ill tell anyone what i think of them && believe it or not, i can be pretty cool
[A Few Pics of yourself]
[Picture with a proofs sign (NO PAINT/PHOTOSHOPing)]
if im accepted i swear ill do it right when i am in the presence of a digital camera / i lack one and need one desperatly