I took a nap earlier, and I had a kickass dream.
In this dream I was me, but I was very similar to a character that I invented many years ago. This character isnt really the run of the mill super hero, like Spider-Man or an X-Men or whatever. Hes more along the lines of Buffy or Blade or Sydney Bristow from Alias or Beatrice from Kill Bill. You know, the kind of super hero that may or may not have super powers, but always seems to do crazy impossible things. And plus, the super heroes like Spidey and stuff wear costumes and often have masks. My character doesnt have a mask, though he has a costume and a "signature", and he does have super powers.
Anyway, I dont want to tell you too much about him, because Im hoping one day I'll get a book written about him.
In any case, in this dream I had certain abilities. I had really powerful telekenesis (which isnt anything new, as those of you that have read my other dreams know). I also had limited telepathy, ESP, and the ability to take control of a persons/peoples mind.
In this dream, I was attending a training facility for people that have super powers and want to be heroes. At the beginning we were all boarding onto a train that would take us to this place where the facility was. My mom and sister were with us, but they werent supposed to be coming, they were just dropping me off.
But there was a really bad storm coming and they didnt leave in time to get home before the storm hit the area between where we were and our house. So, they came with us and went to this "civilian area", so as to not fraternize with the super powered individuals lol.
Anyway, when we got onto the train I sensed that something was wrong but didnt know what for sure. So, I kept demanding to speak to the people in charge so I could tell them what I sensed and to check for anything that might be wrong with the train, but they wouldnt let me. I kept running around saying that something was wrong and that we needed to get off the train right now or we were all going to die (because the feeling I was getting was that strong. Lets just say my Spider-Sense was going off.) and the people wouldnt listen to me, so they locked me in "the brig" (because at this point the train was already in motion) and said they would figure out what to do with me when we were at the trains destination.
I couldnt just stay where they put me and let something happen to everyone on the train, including myself.
So, I used my ablity of mind control to "suggest" to the guards to go to sleep and let me free.
I followed my "sense" and ran into the area where all of the other trainees were talking with others and senior super heroes. Someone (I think one of the guards, because remember that my mind control was limited) screamed about how I was supposed to be in lock up for causing trouble, so everyone turned to look in our direction.
No one else noticed, but I saw this bomb like thing up in the corner, and was trying to figure out what to do. Just then a bunch of people grabbed me and I couldnt break free and they still wouldnt listen to me about how something was going to kill us all. I was really really pissed off at this point, and I just started at the thing and it caught fire and melted and fell to the ground with a "clank".
Everyone turned around and let go of me and looked at the thing. Someone went up to it (after I used my TK to put the flames out) and I guess they were a techie or whatever and could tell that it was programmed to send out a biological contaminate that would poison the air and kill everyone on the train.
So, basically I saved everyones ass.
Some people praised me as a hero and thought I was cool. Others (like the head honchos) were angry with me for not following regulations but were obviously proud and thankful that I saved everyone. And then there was a group of the cool kid asskissers and so they started to complain "Hey! Not only did he not follow the rules, but he also has pyrokenesis! Everyone knows that Pyrokenetics never follow the rules, thats why we dont allow them to train with us!"
"Hey, I cant help it that when I get really pissed off, especially when people dont listen to me when Im warning them about impending doom that I sometimes accidentally light things on fire!" I shouted.
Then one of the head super heroes said something to the dick that was trying to get me kicked out about how I just saved everyones ass and that they will teach me how to control ALL of my abilities (even though I could already control most of them). So, after he put the jerk in his place, everyone calmed down.
Later on, I had made a few friends and we were hanging out. Each of us were allowed to move around and meet everyone else, and the kids I met were from different "catagories". For example, one of them was mental abilities (which was the catagory I was under). Another was "feral/animal abilities" which was one of my friends abilities. He had the ability to change his hands into long, talon like claws (like Lady Deathstrike). He also had heightened senses and abilities. He could jump higher and farther, smell/taste/hear/see better than a normal human, and had an animalityness to him. He could also communicate with animals. Not really talk to them, but some how communicate. (He and I were fastly becoming... more than friends ;).)
So everyone there each had different training exercises and tests. One of the tests (this part was funny) that people with mental ablities had was to guess this one hideous womans job. The thing is, she was standing behind something so all you could see was her face, which was butt ugly. For some reason I just blurted out "Shes a model." without even thinking about it, and everyone turned to me and gave me this "Are you crazy?" look. The guy that ran thr exercise looked at me and said "How could you possibly have known that!? She is a model, a foot model."
So after a bunch of different tests, those that "won" each test got to sit at the "Senior Super Heroes" table and were partnered with one of the heroes.
Miracle of all miracles, I was partnered with Spider-Man! (Who would have thought right? Well, it is my dream, after all.)
He said something to me about my name or something like that (I dont remember what exactly), and I wispered into his ear "Dont Worry Mr. Parker, I wont tell anyone who you are either." and he was all shocked and worried and thought "oh crap, how'd he know that?" I said "Dude, I have limited telepathy. But calm down, I wont tell anyone." And another thing that was cool was that Spidey liked me and we were becoming friends because he doesnt like authority and does his own thing too. Unfortunately, a few of the other senior heroes didnt like me for the very same reason. What can I say? I always beat to the sound of my own drum, even in my dreams. I could sense from the other people that were in charge that they felt I was going to be difficult, and it made me laugh inside. I was trying not to smile, but I must have smirked because I "heard" one of them say in their head "Whats he smirking at?" it was funny.
Anyway, later on in the dream we were at the train station and were boarding onto these vehicles that were going to take us to the training facility where we would be put into groups, assigned group leaders, told all about the place and where our classes were and where our living arrangements were. You know, the kinda stuff that they tell you at a schools orientation. I already had Spidey as my faculty advisor/group leader because that was another part of the thing when I passed each of the tests and got to sit at the heroes table.
I said goodbye to my mom and sister, and got into the vehicle.
So, in this vehicle (which was like a souped up, cool looking mini-van) was me and a few other people, a senior hero (it wasnt Spidey) and a driver. And myfriend with the claws and animal abilities was with us too. (I might have unknowingly made the person that decided who went onto each mini-van put him in the same van as me because I thought "Put him with me, put him with me" and because of my mind control he did it, even though I wasnt really trying to control his mind.)
So some time earlier in the dream when we got to relax and hang out, the animal boy and I were talking and getting to know each other. For some reason I kept getting an image of a dog in my head as I was talking to him and it wouldnt go away. Eventually I said to him "Do you have a dog?" And he said "I did, but he was stolen. Why?" and I explained to him how I kept seeing a picture of a dog in my head.
So cut back to us driving to the training facility.
As we were driving there I again sensed something. At the same time I sensed something I could tell that "animal boy" also could sense something with his animal abilities (like how everyone and everything each has a distinctive scent, he could smell something because he was sniffing like Wolverine.)
I reached out with my minds eye and I "saw" a dog walking along the road on the street that we were about to pass. I said to the driver to turn left, but he wouldnt listen to me. I kept insisting, but they wouldnt turn and wouldnt stop the car so I could get out, so I rolled down my window and jumped out (using my telekenesis I "flew" out). The guy was stunned and slammed on the brakes and the car started to roll over (you'd think that a souped up super hero vehicle would have roll stability control or whatever its called, but this one didnt) and I quickly grabbed the van with everyone in it with my TK and I gently put it on the ground. I then flew down the street, picked up the dog with my tekelenesis (the dog had this look on its face like "uh.. whats going on? Im flying?" it was funny) and I brought the dog back with me to my friend. I said to my friend "Is this your dog?" and he said "Oh my God, it is!" And he called its name and it ran up to him and they were both very happy.
So we were all getting back into the van and he pulled me aside and told me to suggest to everyone that they turn the other direction and stare into space for a few minutes. I didnt ask why (because I already knew cuz of the telepathy) and I did what he told. He then shoved me up against the car, pulled me close to him, and just as he was about to give me one hell of a kiss, my alarm clock went off.
The End.
So, that was my dream. It was a lot of fun. Though usually when Im my character in my dreams Im not a "super hero". Instead Im usually hunting and killing vampires and other demons.
Im not sure which I like more, when Im swinging from webs and have web shooters in my dreams, or when I can fly in my dreams. Both are really fun and cool. Too bad I dont get to experience it in real life.
Anywho, I didnt go to the comic book store today again this week. I didnt go last week because it was raining really bad and flooding and stuff and my mom didnt want to drive in it (because we most likely would have gotten into an accident) so we didnt go. I didnt go today because I was really really tired and felt crappy. Plus my mom had a biopsy today, so she wasnt feeling well. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow (AT 8:30 IN THE MORNING!!!) so we're going to go after that. Im just hoping that they didnt sell out of a few that they might have sold out of that were coming out today (and that came out last week.)
Another thing is, Im doing something that Ive never done before. Im getting a comic that is from DC. Usually I dont get anything from them because I think they're too cheesy and not realistic enough (as in Batman lives in Gotham City which is kind of gothic and seems to almost take place in the past or its like a place that forgot to evolve as time went on, Superman lives in Metropolis which is like a futuristic place and very bright and sunny and all that, and Wonder Woman is from Themescara, which is the home of the Amazons from Greek Mythology (Actually, Wonder Womans real name is Diana, which is the Roman name of the Greek goddess Artemis, who is the goddess of hunting, women, the moon, and sometimes known as the goddess of nature.)) Basically my point is that these characters live in fictional places and I dont really get excited about them or feel some kind of association with them like I do with Marvel characters such as Spider-Man and the X-Men. Thats the reason I get Marvel and not DC.
But, this book thats coming out is a miniseries and isnt in the "DC Universe". Its in its own kind of universe. Plus, its not directly from DC, its from another company that is part of DC or owned by DC or whatever, called "Wildstorm". Anywho, the book is called "Wraithborn" and the art is hot and the story seems really cool, so lets hope that they have it tomorrow and that its as good as Im hoping it is.
Thats it for tonight, I should have been in bed like an hour ago.