The Basics
Name: Sandra
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Location: Portugal
Your Weaknesses:
. Bossy/Stubborn. I am, it's true. I sort of like things my own way unless someone TRULY prooves me wrong and that there's a better way. You can say I'm more of a leader than a follower.
. Overly Cautious. I suppose. I overthink things alot even if they end up making me feel down every single time. I usually don't take a step without thinking things through EXTREMLY well.
. Tendency for personal disasters... *laughs* Well, as in, I usually have the most idiotic accidents one can have.
. Cold/Harsh. Sometimes I'm quite cold and harsh to some people if their ignorance or behaviour is starting to really bug me. I'm not usually harsh/cold unless I have a reason to be.
Your Strengths:
. Creativity. I can easily come up with an idea, a good idea for pretty much anything and not just for me, I can help others with their works, specially.
. Helpful. Kind of like I said above, I like helping others which doesn't always mean you get the same treatment right back but if you're useful, why not help?
. Witty/Sarcastic. Well, as I said, I take sarcasm as a good-thing.
. Friendly. Though I keep my own business for my own. As in, I don't usually talk unless I'm spoken to but if that's the case I'm quite nice and friendly.
Your Talents: Drawing, mostly. I had piano lessons but it's been quite some time since I last played, so I can't be sure if I still can
Favorite Color(s) and why? Black, red, white and beige/browns. I never quite understood the "why" in this question. Is there a logic explanation to LIKE a color? Well, I suppose black/white goes with everything. Reds, beiges and browns simply just suit me, I guess.
Favorite X-Men Character(s) and why? As much as I love Wolverine, I have to say Jean is my all-time favourite. Since I was little and watched the cartoons, I liked Jean. First thing, I find her powers very appealing. Other than that, I love her personality and the stories that involve her. I used to like Rogue from the comics, though she really irritates me in the movies.
Favorite Animal(s) and why? Cats. I like the way they move: with elegance.
Favorite Place(s) and why? My home and probably the park near my school. My home is like this shelter, a warm comfy bubble. The park, I think I love it due to the wonderful moments I spent there with my friends.
Favorite Movie(s) and why? I have to say Lord of the Rings. I love alot of movies but LOTR has been my favourite for such a long time.. why? I love the books to death and I love fantasy-stuff so.. yeah plus the soundtrack is amazing <3
Favorite Book(s) and why? Ahm tough. I have loads of favourite books.. I guess I should name LOTR again, as well as Harry Potter series. I just love all the characters and plots so much <3
Favorite Television Show(s) and why? Why so many tough questions? Following the same logic I used for the movie question: X-Files. It has been my longest tv-show love.
Favorite Food(s) and why? Any kind of fruit, really. I like how refreshing they are and taste so good!
X-Men Related
Which character (no matter how obscure) would you like to be your best friend? Why? Ahm well, being my favourite and all: Jean. Although I'd also love to have Kitty as a best friend, it would be fun. Or Pyro xD
Which character would you like to be involved with romantically? Why? I would say Wolverine but it's pretty much a tough deal. Other character: Pyro (or Gambit, though I know he's not part of the movies). What can I say? I like bad-boys. I like Wolverine/Pyro's personality even though I do realize it'd be tough to have a relationship with either.
If it was between joining the Brotherhood of Mutants or the X-Men which team would you probably wind up joining? The X-men, without a doubt.
Which character’s power would you most like to have? Seeing I answered somewhere that I find Jean's powers extremly appealing: Jean's. Also Kitty's would be awesome.
Would you have chosen the Cure over living life as a mutant? Why or why not? No. You see, I know who I am and I don't like to pretend to be someone I'm not. I wouldn't take the Cure just to blend in or be accepted. If someone doesn't accept me for who I am, too bad, it's their problem.
Digging Deeper
If you knew that you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do? I would spend alot of time with my mother and my closest family too. Then with my friends but I wouldn't tell anyone I was going to die. At last, I would go alone to the places that have meaning to me and end up dying somewhere.
Put the following words in order according to your priorities: Self, Money, Love, Power, Family
Family, Love, Self, Money, Power.
Please link to at least three applications you have voted on: else you'd like to share with the class?
It's a re-application. I was stamped as Nightcrawler and decided to re-apply because it has been a long time since I filled that other application and I changed in the meantime. Though feel free to vote me as Nightie if you still think it's the best fit :)