Lets Get To Know You...
name: Nicole
age: 16
gender: female
sexuality: straight
status: single
top 5 bands: Avril Lavigne, Alicia Keys, No Double, Relient K., Greenday
top 5 movies: Mean Girls, Dodgeball, Charlie's Angels, Breakfast Club, Teen Witch
color: Coral
food: Macaroni and Cheese!
opinions on...
pre-marital sex: I believe in abstinence until marraige. I believe this because marraige is the decision of spending the rest of your life with someone and it makes your wedding so much more special if that night is your first time.
alcoholics: Drinking is fine. I don't like those who get drunk and destroy their bodies with alcohol. Alcohol can destroy your life as well as others if not used properly.
abortion: I believe that everything happens for a reason. If you are pregnant, then that happened for a reason, so you should not kill it. The fetus is still human life. If you don't want the baby, then put it up for adoption, but please don't kill it.
drugs: Drugs can destroy lives as well. Drugs can't solve anyone's problems. I don't think drugs are a good thing at all.
tell us...
something interesting about yourself: I'm a twin :)
why you should be accepted: I feel that I am a unique individual who respects others as well as herself. I believe that I am someone who is able to listen and come to her own conclusions. I really like this friendly community and the layout :) I think that I could possibly help to make more promotion banners.
promote us in 3 places:
http://www.livejournal.com/community/__kiss2betray/9698.htmlhttp://www.livejournal.com/community/_beauty_is_me_/16679.htmlhttp://www.livejournal.com/community/all_r_beautiful/10374.html *Pictures*
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