So deep that it didn't even bleed and catch me.

Sep 27, 2004 21:04

well today was good. School was fine. Tennis was fun... we played nyack today. We beat them 6-2,6-0.Oh yay go me and Brittany!! haha or as brittany would say Go us!! lol anyways i feel like shit right now but im also sooooo overly excited for the new used cd!! ah ive been wating since march for this cd!! i can't wait it's going to be awsome... ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

x_swim_dork September 28 2004, 01:19:13 UTC
yay for the used!! i'm gonna buy it!!


x_quinn September 28 2004, 01:24:59 UTC
yaY!!!!!! im glad u like them! ah their awsome!!!! =)


mynameisjonas_ September 28 2004, 20:02:35 UTC
The Used sucks. I'm just kidding. I need to burn that cd from you, I've gone on a strike from buying cds cause it's so much cheaper to burn the, but you know that won't last very long for me. Yup yup. I <3 the Used. But not as much as I heart cheese. If anyone <3's the Used more than they <3 cheese...well that would just be so not cool. Alright, on these things I just start randomly talking so yeah. I'ma done. You're probably like yesss! Just like Napoleon aka Kenny...awww I'm just kidding. But he kind of does look like him a little. Only 70% like him :D


x_quinn April 24 2005, 05:44:44 UTC
lol i want to see them again! ha but it was fun i heart the used more than cheese!lol hey kenny is not napoleon...even though many people call him that lol


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