Title: What secrecy?
Author: moi
Pairing: OnTae
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G
Disclaimer: SME owns pretty boys and I own words. Talk about unfairness.
Summary: What Taemin loves the most is the convenience of it all; the simplicity of Jinki never turning down a 2 a.m. fridge raid.
Fic )
Comments 29
that's the cutest thing ever D:
now im dying for some ice cream x)
damn. do a follow-up? please?LOL.
But eek, happy you liked it!
Thank you for reading :3
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Thanks for reading ♥
i really love just how stealthy taemin is with his words - and that swipe of the thumb, how seductive - and how jinki just can't back down from anythinggg. this was too adorable, too adorable.
thanks for sharing ♥
I'm so glad you liked this and the two of them ;~;
Thank you for reading!
See TaeTae slightly bulling Leader-shii Kekeke
Thanks for reading!
hehe. Taemin has always been a little devil in disguise and I'm trying hard not too smile too widely here. Because I will get weird stares from the other people here. XDDD
I love it how Jinki can't really do anything about it.
<3 ~~
Then again, I'm not really sure Dubu has a problem with that lol.
Thank you for reading :3
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