Title: In Other Words
Author: moi
Pairing: JongKey
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: SME owns pretty boys and I own words. Talk about unfairness.
Summary: There are days when Jonghyun feels utterly silly. In fact, silly enough to load his mp3 player with old, cheesy music and take Kibum for a midnight stroll to nowhere in particular.
Fic )
Comments 63
Now I want a Jjong for myself. Complete with wiggling eyebrows and magic and cheesy music and everything silly I can think of. ;o;
And, sigh, don't we all? /sadface
Thank you, girl ;;♥
omg you're back x)
I love this story so much more and I'll admit it.
jongkey. this is so beautiful.
no words. no words. sodifsdlfksjdfsdf.
Thank you so much ♥
Cruel online world.
This is really too cute! >.<
And I think everybody gets underestimated at one point in time XD
Just so that it's Jjong with his music now. lol.
Thanks for reminding me of SBB. I almost forgot about it >.>
<3 ~~
But lol I think Jjong can make do with just his music for a while, till Key recovers from the cheesiness XD
And how could I forget SBB. It's been haunting my worst nightmares lately *is a last-minute kind of person*
Thanks for reading!
your imagery is so very nice. i feel like i could sway along to the music that wasn't even playing while i was reading, ha ha. /goes back to listen
but honestly though,i haven't read a story in which jonghyun and kibum TRULY loved each other in ages. so i'm really glad that you posted this, it was so lovely ;A; just the fact that there was no great turning point (except for maybe kibum' realization that he truly does love jonghyun), that they had already been in love before the story started, made me so very happy ha ha. shot some energy and love into my veins. i've been feeling depleted lately.
thanks for sharing ♥
God knows I needed some fluff and lightness atm, and those two were the first thing that came in mind. I/Everybody keeps giving them a hard time; why is that ;~; *pets them*
I'm glad you enjoyed~
Thank you for reading ♥
and ot, but i just noticed you probably forgot to friend me? O: /fail
yeah ikr? ;___; sob. we need some love here.
oh gosh i'm sorry i must've been too busy freaking out L O L i'll friend you asap ; ; surry~
But lol don't worry, I just felt like something was missing until I realised XD It's okay ♥
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Thank you! ♥♥♥
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