~*Anna and SuG*~

Dec 06, 2015 19:17


I had planned to meet Anna just after 10 and go to Buckingham Palace coz Chiyu had mentioned maybe seeing changing of the guards, so rush hour traffic I figured leave like 7. I had the worst morning ever. I spilled some crap of my mum's, my Arisu gloves broke, I kept falling, I forgot my scarf, two of my 3 bags broke and my other was being lame, people were being mean on the train, you get the idea In London, I got the stupid east tube instead of west. I realised like right away so hopped off at next station and switched platform. I figured that 5 mins may make me late. Unfortunately, Anna's flight was delayed so I was waiting like 2 hours. By the time she arrived, way too late so we went into Pret a Manger to get food. After, we decided to go to M&Ms World. On the way from the tube, we spotted a few Japanese stores so I golt a Zelda purse and some Japanese candy. I also was spazzing to a girl serving about Hyper Japan lol. Anyway, after our slight detour, we went to M&Ms. That store is biiiggg~~~, like 4 floors, we spent hours!

We got candies for SuG with their names, "I love London", "I love Poland" and "SuG". After we went for pizza. After food, we started to head to Chinatown then saw some random street performers so we stopped to watch them for a while and were like "do we see any Asians?" xD We wandered the carnival for a few mins (not long). Some random guys were saying things to me and I'm like "Anna, save me!"
On our way into Chinatown, we saw policemen on horses which amused Anna and her reaction was cute! xD I'm not going to post our pics in Chinatown coz there's loads lol.
Like every guy we passed, Anna's like "he's hot, marry me!"After some time, we found a general Asian candy store with like Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai etc. I got some Daifuku mochi and like the pancake things filled with daifuku and a strawberry milk thing. We saw a sign saying more downstairs but we went and nothing much so we just got our crap xD We walked around some more and I found a bubble tea store! The girl was asking like 500 questions, like "omg just gimme my boba!"
We found some random store with tons of KPop pictures on the wall so I took photos for Kaity. I don't even know who any are but Kaity said she saw 2 of her babies so yay?
We kept walking and saw a sign said Kowloon so my inner Arisu fangirl spazzed xD

We kept walking (I think we'd left Chinatown by this time) and found a store with like skull jewlery etc, like "you KNOW that's the first place Takeru went!". We walked I think in circles coz we ended up back in Chinatown and went into a supermarket to ask directions to the nearest tube station. Anna bought some stuff and was like "arigatou gozaimasu". I figured from her accent and look she was probably Chinese. I wouldn't have said anything (being Chinatown) but I know Chinese tend to dislike Japanese so I said she looked Chinese and when she was, I thought for a minute aand was like "Xie xie" (my Chinese sucks fyi). Well, I guess I got points for effort coz she was happy lol.
Anna actually wanted to go back to M&Ms buy gifts for her family so we went back then got the tube to where her friend Magda lives. I texted her when we got there like "bring water! Lol"
At her house, me and Anna sorted the damn SuG M&Ms which took ages. I was like "who's dumb idea was this?" and she's like "totally Magda's"

So yeah then we fell into bed


We got up like 7 and left by like 8. Magda wasn't actually coming she was working so when we got the tube she left at Euston while we went on to Angel. She told us a place right outside the tube to eat breakfast. The leggings I made ripped plus 5 days straight I was hella sick by now so on our way to the club we passed Boots pharmacy so I ran in to buy tights to put under my leggings and medicine. We kept on for the club. O2 is actually in the middle of a shopping centre and right at the front is a Monsoon so I went got a new bag coz my broken. When we got to the club, we took some selfies and had someone take one of us

I love how we're just surrounded by all our crap xD
Anyway, her friend showed up and we realised we'd been at the wrong door for an hour (hey, nou my fault club has 2 entrances!) So we went upstairs and we were first!
Anyway, not long after a few other people came and we just generally goofed around and had a good time. I still had some of my daifuku cakes thank god xD
Like 1 I guess some girl from downstairs told us the band we liked was walking around downstairs so we went but didn't see them. Either they went in or girls lied to watch us freak out. A while later, Chiyu walked by us and said "konnichiwa". Well, I was in heaven!
A while later he walked by again like "samui ne!" and laughed we had to sit out while he could go in. Buttface. It was freezing.
Anyway, Anna's other friend showed up but forgot her ID so had to go back and get it lol.
Some MORE waiting and freezing to death and FINALLY they let us in.
At the merch, I got both shirts, a hoodie and a bag. I went to check my crap and my crutch in the cloakroom and as I did this, SuG came out. I kept staring like :OOOOOOO
They asked fans favourite songs and Anna was like "Five Starz!" Chiyu was bent double laughing and Takeru and Masato were doing the furi xD I'd have died if Shinpei started singing his part xDD
So then...PHOTOS!

You can't see well besides Masato but they're all wearing the ears I bought them! Masato's are white, pink and lacy, Chiyu's are black, red and lacy and the others are just plain black. Masato was playing with the ribbons on his xD
I ran to the front right after so I had a good spot xD
They finished the m&g and the club filled with regular and finally they started! The first song, I threw my bra on stage (for realsies xD) and Chiyu picked it up xD A while later I heard a girl behind me ask her friend "did you see what someone threw on the stage?" so I turned round like "a bra" and she was like "who threw it?" and I'm like "me" xD
I caught Chiyu's bass pick!

(well one anyway)

I touched Chiyu and Yuji multiple times and the others once. It was funny, one time Chiyu reached into the crowd and I wouldn't let him go, I could feel him pulling xD
Another time, Yuji reached in so I high fived him then looked away (Chiyu priorities man xD) and he smacked me on the head xD Like "Pay attention to me dammit!" Yuji was playing with me at one point xD He was like making faces at me so I made one back and he did it again xD
I was tearing up during Mujouken Kofukuron. That song is too pretty.
Apparently, Shinpei is obesessed with fish & chips xD Takeru called Masato a girl, I lost it xDDDD
Oh god I never will forget it ever. I grabbed Chiyu's ass like twice and Yuji's and Masato's like once each.

I got a signed poster for winning the contest and Yuji asked for my number xD

All the VIPs got a signed DVD.
I met the girl who runs SuG UK fan twitter (we've been tweeting lots) and took a selfie

Then we both took with Anna

Afterwards me, Anna, her friends and some other people we met all went for drinks. I made some comment about how if the girl behind had pushed any more, I would have been giving Chiyu a blowjob and Peter died xD

After, we all split up. Me, Anna and Kotsu were staying with Kotsu's boyfriend. Oh, and I discovered that while I love daifuku and I love mochi, they should not exist together.

I have so many bruises. My legs

My arm

So fucking worth it!
Oh, and some purikura!

Me and my neko boys!

Seriously, I'm legit glad SuG came. I only met Anna and Kotsu coz I was going alone and tweeted if anyone wanted to hang out. And all you lovely people I met at the concert. Thank you for all my new friends SuG!
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