-Likes/Dislikes ------Hilary Duff +++Jack Black <3 -Didn't make me laugh +Either//Or -Some of your opinions bugged me, like your cutting answer and I can't believe you don't know who My Chemical Romance is...Gah.
+ Likes + Either/Or ++ Opinions. I disagree with some of your opinions, and believe your somewhat uninformed. (Abortion, Cutting) But, you seem to have put some thought and caring into them and you've taken the time to give a brief explanation of your position. ++ Photos. I think you and your Sir are just too cute. ;) I like that the first is silly, and that they're all quite different. I wish you wouldn't have berated yourself though. What's nasty about you two playing around? And you most certainly do not look fat. (What the heck?) -- For liking mall shopping and Hilary Duff. I just can't approve of those tastes. ;)
Thank You! I tried hard on the app. I took me like 2 hours because of the pictures, the app its self (questions), and posting in peoples journals... Thanks for giving me a yes, i appreciate it
+++++pacsun +++ashlee +++coke --------if you really didn't wanna smoke you wouldn't just start just because of britney spears. if you're gonna do it you'll do it. i've never seen anybody be like "oh well i started smoking cause i saw..some famous celebrity start" well that's just lame i just didn't like you much
Comments 23
-didnt make me laugh
------Hilary Duff
+++Jack Black <3
-Didn't make me laugh
-Some of your opinions bugged me, like your cutting answer and I can't believe you don't know who My Chemical Romance is...Gah.
Sorry, no.
+ Either/Or
++ Opinions. I disagree with some of your opinions, and believe your somewhat uninformed. (Abortion, Cutting) But, you seem to have put some thought and caring into them and you've taken the time to give a brief explanation of your position.
++ Photos. I think you and your Sir are just too cute. ;) I like that the first is silly, and that they're all quite different. I wish you wouldn't have berated yourself though. What's nasty about you two playing around? And you most certainly do not look fat. (What the heck?)
-- For liking mall shopping and Hilary Duff. I just can't approve of those tastes. ;)
--------if you really didn't wanna smoke you wouldn't just start just because of britney spears. if you're gonna do it you'll do it. i've never seen anybody be like "oh well i started smoking cause i saw..some famous celebrity start" well that's just lame
i just didn't like you much
+++++Made Me Laugh
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