Hey, that really sucks, I can't imagine being accosted by a stranger to THAT extent, and I'm sorry it happened to you.
And way to say something... I dunno, I guess I'm somewhat surprised that she was even MORE hateful than her bumper sticker implied.
Being agnostic and extremely anti-relgious I rarely have to defend Christians, but just like Islamic extremists don't represent all Muslims, there are tolerant and good Christians too :)
Gay by birth, fabulous by choice!chicoamericano8February 19 2006, 13:44:43 UTC
I'm extremely proud of you for speaking up and being the bigger person by walking away. You have abasolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Some people are incredibly misguided and you can't do much about it.
I'm just thankful that there's good, intelligent, beatiful, caring, and (dare I say?) faaaaabulous people like you in the world to help balance out all the negativity. I love you!
i like to punch closed minded people in the face.aussiemhbFebruary 19 2006, 14:50:28 UTC
hahah true christian spirit...i love how they are walking contradictions of themselves preaching love and compassion but being the first ones to tell someone they are going to hell.
Comments 15
And way to say something... I dunno, I guess I'm somewhat surprised that she was even MORE hateful than her bumper sticker implied.
Being agnostic and extremely anti-relgious I rarely have to defend Christians, but just like Islamic extremists don't represent all Muslims, there are tolerant and good Christians too :)
I'm just thankful that there's good, intelligent, beatiful, caring, and (dare I say?) faaaaabulous people like you in the world to help balance out all the negativity. I love you!
i cant deal with that.
that sucks.
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