yetserday (dec 24) we opened presents since my brothers werent going to be here christmas morning. i was excited but not as excited as i normally am...... it just didnt feel like the holidays yet. anyway i opened my presents and geuss wut i got????? .... MY BLUE GUITAR!!! (yess yess yess i no i said i was getting a bass b4 but i chnaged my mind because my dad though it would be better for me since i sing and all)... i also got a portable dvd player (which by the way i love i havent been able to keep my eyes off it), I GOT THE LAST SEASON OF FRIENDS (season 8) now i have all of the seasons that are out) : D, ummm i got a ton of dvds and cds, oh yea i cant for get bout all that tinkerbell stuff :). so0o then my brother left around 5 and i chilled with the madre and padre.
ok so0o today (dec 25) i got..................MORE PRESENTS!! yes from "santa"........ i got the FRIENDS trvia game : D (which by the way no one will play with me cuz ill always win) and i got more dvds and cds, ummmm i goooooooot...... the sex and the city triva game.....this REALLY cute pink gap jacket, and thast bout it.... (WOW im spoiled). then my aunt, uncle and my 3 cousins came over along with my grand~parents, we had roast beef.... mmmmmmmmmmm : p. then after dinner we played our guitars (which was so0o funny i almost pissed myself) but i cant describe it cuz u kinda had to be there. we exchanged gifts after that, my aunt gave me these diamond earrings and this collectors tinkerbell doll (so0o cute). the we had some dessert and gossiped and bitched (cuz were italian so0o thats wut we do)..after that it was botu 11:30 so0o my aunt and uncle and the cuz's left. (my grand~partents are sleeping over : /... the get up so0o damn early) o jeez i better go to bed since now its 2:53 in the morning!!!
Merry Christmas!!!!!!
~~~with all my <3~~~me~~~