Faith: *wanders towards the Book Nook. She sees Tara and decides to head into the store*
Tara: *struggling with a heavy box, mumbling to herself*
Faith: *grins* Hey, Tar. What's up?
Tara: *jumps at the sound of the voice, dropping the box on the floor*
Tara: *turns toward the door* Oh, Faith *sighs, looking down at the mess* Hey. Come in. *slight smile*
Faith: *looks down at the mess and then back up at Tara* Sorry about that... Uh... Need some help?
Tara: S-sure, that'd be great. Since you did make me drop it and all. *laughs slightly* Not to mention, its probably easier for you to lift as well.
Faith: *grins* Well, I didn't mean to make you drop it... But yeah, hot chick with superpowers to the rescue. *sighs and kneels down to help re-pack the box*
Tara: *kneels to help Faith pack the box back up* I know you didn't mean to. But now that you're here, I could use some muscle. Y-ya know, to help lift stuff and move boxes.
Faith: Never thought I'd be a workin' grunt, T. *lifts the box easily* But it's good to be useful.
Tara: *stands back up* Yeah, I know that feeling too. B-but you're a slayer Faith, why wouldn’t you feel useful?
Faith: *thinks about that for a second* 'Cause your girl made lots of Slayers. I dunno, it's just... I've been so out of it. Feels like wakin' up from a bad dream sometimes.
Tara: I can imagine. *smiles understandingly* Sometimes I feel like this is all a dream too. Th-that I'm still....*takes a deep breath* Well, you get the idea. *small smile* But Faith, you should never feel useless, you're a very important part of the group.
Faith: So are you. If it wasn't for you, Red might not have gotten back up. *nods to herself* Anyway... Where d'ya want this?
Tara: O-oh!, *thinks for a second* Probably in the cage. Follow me, I'll show you where it is. *gets keys out, starts walking towards the back of the store*
Tara: *goes through the office to get to the supply room where the cage is* You can just put it in here. *unlocks cage and swings door open, stepping aside to let Faith in*
Faith: *follows, carefully setting the box down inside the cage* How many more you got? *steps back out of the cage, looking almost excited to be helping*
Tara: Oh, there's, um, several more upstairs. *locks cage back* Ya know Faith, I was just kidding, you so don't have to do this. Help me, I mean. *nervous grin* I-I'm sure you probably have better things to be doing.
Faith: At the moment? Nada. Nothin'. I was just goin' for a walk. So, this is good. *smiles* I could use the workout.
Tara: *smiles back* Thanks, Faith. I really appreciate this. I've been trying to do it all by myself. Since so much other stuff is going on, I didn't really want to bother anyone. I mean, Willow's been helping me with the book and financial end of things. But I've been doing the "grunt work" as you call it.
Faith: *nods* I'd start in on the whole "don't hurt yourself" gig, but... *grins* I got it, Tara. You just gotta do me one favor?
Tara: W-what's that?
Faith: Do whatever you and Red can to help Buffy.
Tara: *smiles softly* We will Faith. Willow's been working overtime trying to figure everything out. *looks concerned* It's so sad to see her like this. I've not seen Buffy like this since *pauses* w-well, um, since we brought her back. And even then, she wasn't this....out of it, I guess would be the best way to describe it.
Tara: *puts her hand on Faith's shoulder* You know Willow will figure this out. *smiles reassuringly* It's what she does.
Tara: It's what we all do.
Faith: *shrugs* I know. Kinda weird bein' this worried about B, though. And this whole fitting in gig, it's just... not really my style? *smiles up at Tara* K, now you've got me goin all sappy. Oh god, don't tell anyone. *rolls her eyes*
Tara: Your secret's safe with me. Unless....*ponders* maybe I want to blackmail you for something later. *laughs*
Tara: I'm only kidding, so don't get all bad slayer on me or anything.
Faith: You don't have to worry about it. It could be fun to get blackmailed. *grins, mildly-seductive*
Tara: *blushes* U-um....y-yeah *nervous laugh* S-so, the boxes, th-they're upstairs.
Faith: *nods* Well, I'll get these loaded up, and then I'm up for a burger. You?
Tara: *grins* As long as they have veggie burgers. I'm n-not much for meat.
Faith: Anything you want. *grins*
Tara: *nods* Sounds good.