He Left Behind An Extra Small Fossil
gen-dbsk, jaejoong-centric; 1,158 words
A/N: This is DBSK written as young dinosaurs. I guarantee neither actual laughs nor historical/biological accuracy (T___T). Vocab words that really aren't that important: T-rex, Minmi, Stegosaurus, Apatosaurus, Triceratops.
Perhaps the most feared dinosaur in the world is the Tyrannosaurus rex. At least that's what Mama and Papa T-rex tell him. They say, "Jaejoong, we're the top of the food chain," every morning before they go out to hunt, expecting him to do the same shortly after. Jaejoong keeps splashing in the pond though, tail whipping back and forth as he watches them leave, worrying to himself as they grow smaller and smaller into the distance. Truth is, Jaejoong doesn't want to hunt; he wants to play in the pond with the other dinosaurs he sees walking around all the time. The problem is they always run away whenever he comes near. He's tried everything: walking more quietly, smiling to show off his shiny teeth, splashing around in the pond like everyone else does.
But all that's gotten him now is everyone moving to a different pond. So being the smart T-rex Jaejoong is, he's decided that the best way to show everyone he's friendly is to eat plants. He stands up, balancing on his hind legs and shaking the water off. He doesn't exactly know what to tell his parents but he thinks that friends speak louder than roars. He grabs a couple of leaves off the tree, stuffing them in his mouth as he goes to the new hangout spot near the volcano that erupted a few days ago. Apparently there's a hot spring and it's all the rage with the young herbivores.
When he gets there, all the dinosaurs are splashing around in the newly formed hot spring. There's a Stegosaurus with a particularity big tail that is trying to get everyone away from him by whipping the thing around, but really all he's achieving is getting all the other dinosaurs to team up on him. Upon seeing such a marvelous sight, Jaejoong forgets all the friend making techniques he's practiced, lets out a yell and runs toward his new group of potential friends. It looks just like the type of fun that he wants to be a part of. But all the clamor he makes on his way over catches their attention and the panicked looks on their faces tell Jaejoong that they're about to make a run for it again.
"Wait, guys! I'm not going to eat you," Jaejoong shouts, running over before they get the chance to run away. Sure, he could probably catch them all one at a time, but he rather be friends with all of them. Plus, the last thing he needed was to get in trouble with any of their parents in case they called out for help.
"Oh god, he's gonna eat us!" The Stegosaurus tries to run for it first but gets his back foot stuck in a mud hole, thrashing about as he tries to get out. Jaejoong looks on nervously as the others start glaring him down, particularly the Triceratops that's now standing his ground in front of the others and looking like he's about to ram him down if he makes the slightest movement. Jaejoong gets so nervous that he starts stuffing his face with more leaves, smiling as he chews and tries to show off how friendly he is.
"I'm not going to eat you guys! I like plants too."
"We're not dumb, T-rex," the rather young looking Apatosaurus snorts, swinging his long neck around as he talks. "You guys eat everything."
"Not me! I'm an herbivore like you guys!" Jaejoong waits, his little arms sagging when they all give him skeptical looks after they finally get the Stegosaurus's leg out of the mud hole. "We should be friends."
"Guys, I think he's telling the truth," the Minmi approaches him. Jaejoong just smiles wide, nervous as the small armored dinosaur observes him. He hopes he doesn't have a leaf stuck in his teeth.
"Yoochun, get back here." Jaejoong's starting to see that the Triceratops is the protective one.
"Yoochun? Hi, I'm Jaejoong. I'm a T-rex," Jaejoong introduces himself, tapping his claws together shyly. He looks over, hoping the others will introduce themselves as well. But instead, they're just peering over curiously from behind the Triceratops. He figures he has to make the effort. "And you guys are?"
"Not your lunch," the Stegosaurus shouts from behind the Triceratops. He's apparently rediscovered his bravery after surviving that mud hole.
"I don't eat dinosaurs," Jaejoong whimpers. "I think plants are delicious. And nutritious."
"How do you even reach the plants?" the Apatosaurus starts questioning him, straightening up his neck as if to look taller and more threatening. "Look at those short little arms."
His comments cause snickering, and Jaejoong kicks at the dirt below him. "There are tons of trees by the pond and I can reach those just fine with my teeth.” He jumps back a little when he feels something touch his leg.
"Guys, he doesn't smell like meat. He just smells like bad spinach."
The three hold a mini meeting at a distance while Yoochun decides it's okay to keep sniffing him Jaejoong doesn't know whether to stay still or to sniff back, which would be kind of awkward. None of the T-rexes ever taught him to sniff others. Yoochun looks up though, smiling at him and assuring him that the others are probably considering his friendship but are trying to set the terms for safety ("Since you are a meat-eating machine, you know?"). He tells them their names and a little about each of them. The Triceratops's name is Yunho, and he's a softie but he likes to put up a brave front. The Stegosaurus is Junsu, and he's not that smart but he's good for entertainment. And the Apatosaurus is Changmin, who's kind of a smartass even though he's the youngest; he's only got an ego because he's taller than all of them when he stands up straight.
The others finally approach him, and Yunho makes it clear that any sign of salivating will earn him the hardest headbutt he's ever felt in his life. Jaejoong nods, clapping his claws together in excitement. He has new friends! They chitchat a little, with Jaejoong asking a lot of questions, especially about which plants are the best to eat, just to get his point across.
They say goodbye for the day, and Jaejoong feels accomplished, though a little hungry. He still smiles and shines his pearly whites at them as they leave.
Junsu giggles at him. "You have leaves in your teeth!"
Jaejoong tries to cover his mouth, a little embarrassed but he can't reach because his arms are too short.
"Here." Junsu uses his tail to pick up leaves from a nearby bush, waddling back over. "These are good for flossing."
Jaejoong thanks him and takes the leaves, holding them close to his chest. He's so glad that he made friends that he doesn't even mind when Junsu accidentally whacks him with his tail when he turns around to leave.
Also! There's been a lovely fanart drawn by
fictionalkitty here that is all kinds of adorable ;~;!