
Aug 18, 2005 20:09

just to clarify: VibrantlyVerbose - Rachel, MooniniteOne - Er, FanofSwoopes - Vicky, Nattieneos - Nattie, SPECiAL KiARA x3 - me <3

VibrantlyVerbose (7:38:15 PM): omg I'm bored
VibrantlyVerbose (7:38:18 PM): what should I do?
MooniniteOne (7:38:43 PM): sing me a song!
VibrantlyVerbose (7:39:08 PM): hakuna matata
VibrantlyVerbose (7:39:14 PM): what a wonderful phraaase
MooniniteOne (7:39:31 PM): ^^
VibrantlyVerbose (7:39:33 PM): hakuna matata, ain't no passing craze
VibrantlyVerbose (7:39:40 PM): it means no worries for the rest of your days
MooniniteOne (7:39:43 PM):
VibrantlyVerbose (7:39:45 PM): xD
SPECiAL KiARA x3 (7:39:50 PM): ong -gives Rachel a Grammy-
VibrantlyVerbose (7:39:54 PM): ::bow::
MooniniteOne (7:39:57 PM): xDDDD
VibrantlyVerbose (7:40:05 PM): hem-hem
SPECiAL KiARA x3 (7:40:07 PM): Er is speechless to behold your awesomeness
VibrantlyVerbose (7:40:10 PM): I'd like to thank...
VibrantlyVerbose (7:40:12 PM): Er.
VibrantlyVerbose (7:40:16 PM): and me.
VibrantlyVerbose (7:40:18 PM): :D
MooniniteOne (7:40:21 PM): :D
VibrantlyVerbose (7:40:26 PM): and Pumba and Timon
SPECiAL KiARA x3 (7:40:29 PM): blech -is reminded of Umbridge-
MooniniteOne (7:40:31 PM): I'M SOOOOO PROUD!!!
VibrantlyVerbose (7:40:34 PM): for providing inspiration
VibrantlyVerbose (7:40:36 PM): xD
SPECiAL KiARA x3 (7:40:39 PM): -coughandKiaracough-
VibrantlyVerbose (7:40:44 PM): and my parents have so totally been there for me.
VibrantlyVerbose (7:40:47 PM): oh yeah, Kiara
MooniniteOne (7:40:49 PM):
VibrantlyVerbose (7:40:57 PM): xD
VibrantlyVerbose (7:41:02 PM): ::tears of joy::
MooniniteOne (7:41:04 PM): I'd like to say something, if I may
VibrantlyVerbose (7:41:07 PM): ::sobs of joy::
MooniniteOne (7:41:20 PM): I am SO proud right now, that I don't know what to do with myself
VibrantlyVerbose (7:41:22 PM): ::dirty look:: MY SPEECH
VibrantlyVerbose (7:41:25 PM): go away.
VibrantlyVerbose (7:41:27 PM): xD
VibrantlyVerbose (7:41:37 PM): take a hike.
VibrantlyVerbose (7:41:39 PM): get lost.
VibrantlyVerbose (7:41:42 PM): xD
MooniniteOne (7:41:44 PM): I've been waiting forever for this day...when I would hijack your speech
NattieNeos (7:41:49 PM): baaaaack
VibrantlyVerbose (7:41:54 PM): hmf
MooniniteOne (7:41:58 PM): But's happened (Hi Nattie)
VibrantlyVerbose (7:42:03 PM): HELP HIJACKER
VibrantlyVerbose (7:42:08 PM): hi natters
NattieNeos (7:42:14 PM): Hey :D
MooniniteOne (7:42:17 PM): And I cannot express my utter...happiness
MooniniteOne (7:42:21 PM): -clears throat-
MooniniteOne (7:42:24 PM): Passes mic back
VibrantlyVerbose (7:42:28 PM): .__.
NattieNeos (7:42:34 PM): you are all mad
VibrantlyVerbose (7:42:38 PM): I STRONGLY DISLIKE ER
NattieNeos (7:42:40 PM): xD
VibrantlyVerbose (7:42:43 PM): YOU HIJACKER YOU
MooniniteOne (7:42:45 PM): -gasp-
MooniniteOne (7:42:56 PM): B-b-b-but...THE SPEECH WAS ASKING FOR IT!!
VibrantlyVerbose (7:43:00 PM): OMG ::GOES OFF TO SOB TEARS OF SADNESS::
SPECiAL KiARA x3 (7:43:09 PM): omg
VibrantlyVerbose (7:43:15 PM): o.o;
SPECiAL KiARA x3 (7:43:18 PM): -gives Er an un-grammy-
MooniniteOne (7:43:25 PM): -cries- Whyyyyyyyyyyy
VibrantlyVerbose (7:43:28 PM): ha!
NattieNeos (7:43:36 PM): children
NattieNeos (7:43:38 PM): come on now
VibrantlyVerbose (7:43:41 PM): ::smirks::
NattieNeos (7:43:45 PM): lets hug
MooniniteOne (7:43:47 PM):
NattieNeos (7:43:50 PM): and make up
VibrantlyVerbose (7:43:53 PM): BUT I STRONGLY DISLIKE ER
Fan of Swoopes (7:44:05 PM): o.o
NattieNeos (7:44:08 PM): yes you damn well can
VibrantlyVerbose (7:44:11 PM): AND/OR MAKE UP
VibrantlyVerbose (7:44:13 PM): xD
VibrantlyVerbose (7:44:16 PM): NO I CAN'T
NattieNeos (7:44:19 PM): ::welds Rachel to Er::
VibrantlyVerbose (7:44:22 PM): O_O
SPECiAL KiARA x3 (7:44:24 PM): -gives Er and Rachel magnets-
Fan of Swoopes (7:44:34 PM): o.o what's going on?
MooniniteOne (7:44:37 PM):
VibrantlyVerbose (7:44:42 PM): o.o;
smile4chrst (7:44:47 PM): Back ^^
Fan of Swoopes (7:44:51 PM): smile
Fan of Swoopes (7:44:54 PM): they exploded!
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