I don't believe in the government or leaders. I can't stand the media. I am an anarchist of sorts. I guess if I had to chose a form of government it would have to be one where the people make the laws, not rich, upper class assholes. My reasons for not wanting anything to do with the government are as follows..
Money. Everyone in this country preys upon this worthless piece of shit that we call the dollar bill. These pieces of fabric that are "oh so valuable" are backed by absolutely nothing. YAY legal tender!!! wait.. what's that? If you look at a note from around the 1920's you'll see that it says it's "redeemable in gold". I guess our current currency should say "redeemable in air". Along with every new dollar bill that is printed comes debt. As we print more and more money, the value of the bill steadily decreases causing inflation. Inflation is the increase of prices for goods and services due to the money supply of the government. These changes are far from unnoticeable if you can open your eyes to see them. I'm sure everyone in the country is complaining about the gas prices correct? Well check out this chart showing the changes in gas prices over the past 3 years..
Tell me that's not fucking ridiculous. And you ask, why are they changing so much? Well it's understandable that gas prices would raise due to a natural disaster such as a hurricane. But what happens when they rise because we decide to start a war?
War. We are paying billions of dollars for the "War on Terror". And I wonder if half of our soldiers even know what they're fighting for. I wonder if everything that they're experiencing is worth it? I mean i really haven't seen much of a change in the country since the war started. If anything, our economy has been blasted to shit. I was talking to a man on an airplane once. It was his first day back in the states after being in iraq for two years. He was working with dismembering the bombs over there. He told me that him a few other guys were sitting at their camp when one of his friends saw a little girl walking around crying. He walked up to her asking what was wrong. I guess her mother made her swallow a bomb and blew them both up. It's amazing the things that happen over there that nobody knows about. And why? What is the reason for all of this? So George can go steal some other countries oil?! I guess we might not have to worry about it anymore with the new election coming up.
Media. Never in my life did I think that so many people actually believe everything that they see on tv. What a waste of space on your brain's hard-drive. I was watching the news yesterday, the first time I've turned on my tv in 3 months. I figured that maybe I'd see something about the election or the war or something. Instead I see Anderson Cooper speaking to a newscaster about the slang term "Boo". {Like "Hey Boo, nice ass!!"} I really didn't expect that from Anderson Cooper considering that he's supposed to be a "great American journalist". It made me think of how oblivious the citizens of our country really are. Kill your television. There obviously isn't anything worth watching anymore other than the discovery channel or history channels.
We need to be more informed. We need to realize that we could coexist without the government.
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi