My View..

Jul 06, 2008 23:22

A "normal" life is not a life well-lived. Life is far too complex and unpredictable to have rules or live by a routine. For the past 16 years I've tried to follow the "normal" way of doing things but it seemed to be leading me nowhere. Why is this cycle so popular? Why do so many people live the same, miserable, time-consuming lives?
At an early age we are taught about "order", we are told that we need to go to school to train for whatever career we choose so we can make good money to spend on stupid things. Most people live their entire lives by this system, and with today's government it's nearly impossible to live using any other method, or so we're taught. The reality of it is that by following the system we're living our lives by fear, whether we realize it or not.

My plans for life used to consist of graduating high school, going to college, and maintaining a steady career. I wanted to get into psychology. That was before I got fucked by the school system. I found my point of no return by coming to the conclusion that there are other options.

Our society today is based mainly on money and the idea of power. I feel that a lot of this has to do with influences in the media and how we're brought up. With so many people telling us how to live, we sometimes forget about the things that make us happy. We get sucked into a world of illusions, surrounded by material objects. So how do we break free?

After realizing that our government is a fucking joke I decided to start looking at life as if that system never existed at all. Most people say that anarchy means destruction and chaos. As if everyone would start killing eachother if the government collapsed. I believe that there are ways of achieveing a sense of order without government. Because, lets face it, wasting your time destroying everything isn't really considered "living an amazing life" either, right? I mean if someone is crazy enough to want to go on a killing spree, they're probably not going to wait for the system to crash.

I know a lot of people who say they wish they could leave their lives behind and start out fresh, maybe take a drive to the edge of the world to see what's waiting for them there. I've heard people talk about doing amazing things like standing on top of the Grand Canyon and staring out at the sun setting on the horizon, running through endless fields of flowers, showering under waterfalls. All these things that people talk about and never get around to actually doing. I've noticed that some of the best things in life most people put aside for later, but you gotta live like there may not be a later.
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