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Comments 85

pandaeatworld October 2 2014, 04:06:44 UTC

I've almost certainly over-shot my budget here, but.... What would be the best total for the following to Ireland:

Jirachi Promo 021 $3
Raichu 61/165 $2
Lt. Surge's Raichu 28/132 $2
Raichu 29/62 $1
Dark Raichu Holo 83/82 $3
Minun 67/101(type holo) $2 each
Plusle 69/101 (common) $1
Light Ninetales (uncommon) 50/105 $3
Minun POP promo 12/17 $2
Plusle POP promo 13/17 $2
Light Venomoth 53/105 $1
Furret (uncommon) 35/111 $2
Chansey 19/112 $1 each
Snorlax (common) 100/144 $1
Blissey 6/147 $2
Japanese Furret 1st ed common ??? Might keep
Smeargle Promo 32 $2
Chansey 20/115 $2
Chansey (uncommon) 31/105 $1
Dark Dragonite holo 15/109 $6

Also interested in any Full Art or EX cards you haven't listed :)


x_xjokerx_x October 2 2014, 04:17:25 UTC
holy bejeez, Okay i'll get to adding those.

As for EX and full arts...I unfortunately sold all of them on ebay Except for a single Mr. Mime EX 110/112. The back part of my binder is very lonely.

I s have $39 as a total just with cards, Minus the Japanese Furret which I'm very unsure on.

Looking it up it'll be about 8.85 for shipping in a padded envelope. I will have to stop by the post office to make sure but in the 8-10 dollar range is about right.


pandaeatworld October 2 2014, 04:24:20 UTC
Don't worry about the Furret then ^.^ I'm a huge TCG fan so I know what it's like to be attached to them!

Mkay, yeah I overshot xD Let's cut that down a bit as I need to aim for around 20-25.

Okay let's see how this goes then, what would the total be on this with shipping:

Jirachi Promo 021 $3
Raichu 61/165 $2
Lt. Surge's Raichu 28/132 $2
Raichu 29/62 $1
Dark Raichu Holo 83/82 $3
Minun 67/101(type holo) $2 each
Plusle 69/101 (common) $1
Light Ninetales (uncommon) 50/105 $3
Furret (uncommon) 35/111 $2
Snorlax (common) 100/144 $1
Dark Dragonite holo 15/109 $6


x_xjokerx_x October 2 2014, 04:27:26 UTC
Now it's 26 + the 8.85
Such a curse to be a TCG fan. I have cards lost among other storage areas but these were the protected ones. I only recently got into Furret so he's a cutie.


awill00 October 2 2014, 06:09:27 UTC
May I get a quote on the following cards please:
Mightyena 24/113 $3
Houndoom Holo 4/75 $5
Ditto holo 3/62 $4
Team Aqua's Walrein rev holo 6/95 $2
Gyarados Holo 6/102 $2
Houndour (common) 59/109 $1
Ninetales 25/147 $2
Zapdos holo 15/62 $2
Raichu Holo 14/102 $2
Donphan 21/111 $2
Luxray holo 46/99 $1

Also, since you said you have a whole bunch more cards (and I’m really trying to complete my original 151 collection especially from Base one and two, etc.) do you perhaps also have a Scyther, Exeggcute, Mr. Mime, or Porygon? All in English please (I ordered a Scyther online a couple months ago and it came in Spanish, lol)


x_xjokerx_x October 2 2014, 17:07:06 UTC
Hi there!

You have $26 of cards + shipping. If you want the safer, padded envelope, it's between two stamps ~$1

As for the other cards: I found a Base Set Porygon, and an Exeggcute from the Jungle set. Either of those what you'd be looking for?


awill00 October 2 2014, 21:32:30 UTC
Yes both of those cards work perfectly actually! :D
How much would you be willing to sell each one?

Also, just a tiny revision at the moment to my list that I have so far (especially if I get these two other cards off of you):

Dark Blastoise 20/82 $1
Mightyena 24/113 $3
Houndoom holo 8/64 $6
Ditto holo 3/62 $4
Gyarados Holo 6/102 $2
Houndour (common) 59/109 $1
Zapdos holo 15/62 $2
Raichu Holo 14/102 $2
Luxray holo 46/99 $1


x_xjokerx_x October 2 2014, 21:35:42 UTC
How about I throw in both of them for $1 ?

So your new list (minus the porygon and exeggcute) is $22, and there's $1 shipping.


angelarcher October 2 2014, 06:27:02 UTC
Hey , got the other cards the other day :)

Interested in these:
REV HOLO Mewtwo 29/110 $10
Dark Houndoom Holo 7/105 $7
Ho-oh Promo 52 $2
Ninetales 25/147 $2
Houndoom Holo 7/115 $3
Ninetales Rev Holo 21/165 $6
Typhlosion 17/115 $2
Blaziken Holo POP Promo 1/17 $2
Entei rev holo promo 34 $1
Moltres promo 21 $1
Typhlosion 64/165 $2
Feraligatr holo 4/115 $4
Feraligatr holo 5/111 $10

Can I give you a list of cards I'm looking for and if you have them can we work out a lot deal?


x_xjokerx_x October 2 2014, 17:09:43 UTC
Hello! Glad to hear you got them

You have $52 of cards right there. And feel free to send me a list! If you have the numbers or sets they're from that's great. I don't have my entire collection on me right now but the binder is big and holds lots of little gems.
I just know I stopped collecting cards around the D/P/Pl era, so cards past that aren't going to be in this binder.


angelarcher October 2 2014, 19:52:16 UTC
OK, do you have a bunch from the e reader cards? I know I'm missing a bunch from those sets, emerald, and the sets in those years.


x_xjokerx_x October 2 2014, 19:55:48 UTC
Oh yeah, I do. A lot of the rare ones are posted above/with the eeveelutions post. Shoot me some pokemon and I'll see if I can find them (just flipping through i have a delcatty, linoone , dratini, swellow, slakoth...i loved the emerald series.)


zukadex330 October 6 2014, 05:28:42 UTC
Hi how are you doing

can i make a quote for the following cards? (shipping to Peru)

Dark Magneton 11/82 $2
Raichu 14/102 $2
Zapdos 15/62 $2
Lapras 10/62 $2
Gyarados 6/102 $2
Dark Weezing 14/82 $1
Erika Vileplume 5/132 $2
Misty Seadra 9/132 $1
Vileplume 31/64 $1
Dark Blastoise 20/82 $1
Moltres Promo 21 $1
Dark Alakazam 18/82 $1 (how much damaged is it?)
Dark Vileplume 30/82 $1

zapdos 16/102 $3
Sabrina Alakazam 16/132 $3
Lt Surge Magneton 8/132 $3
Misty Tentacruel 10/132 $3
Articuno 2/62 $3
Koga Beedrill 9/132 $3
Pidgeot 8/64 $3

Lt Surge Raichu 28/132 $2
Moltres 27/62 $2
Articuno Promo 22 $2
Brock Zubat 24/132 $2
Giovanni Pinsir 24/132 $2
Dark Dragonite 22/82 $2
Dark Slowbro 29/82 $2
Sabrina Golduck 30/132 (what's its price?)

Thank you :)


x_xjokerx_x October 6 2014, 05:51:42 UTC
I apologize, I hadn't edited the list so a few of those cards have already been purchased and mailed out D: Sorry! Gyarados, a Raichu, and a Zapdos were removed.

Dark Magneton 11/82 $2
Lapras 10/62 $2
Dark Weezing 14/82 $1
Erika Vileplume 5/132 $2
Misty Seadra 9/132 $1
Vileplume 31/64 $1
Dark Blastoise 20/82 $1
Moltres Promo 21 $1
Dark Alakazam 18/82 --
Pidgeot 24/64 $1
Dark Vileplume 30/82 $1

zapdos 16/102 $3
Sabrina Alakazam 16/132 $3
Lt Surge Magneton 8/132 $3
Misty Tentacruel 10/132 $3
Articuno 2/62 $3
Koga Beedrill 9/132 $3
Pidgeot 8/64 $3

Lt Surge Raichu 28/132 $2
Moltres 27/62 $2
Articuno Promo 22 $2
Brock Zubat 24/132 $2
Giovanni Pinsir 24/132 $2
Dark Dragonite 22/82 $2
Dark Slowbro 29/82 $2

Sorry I missed Sabrina's Golduck, he is $1! As for Dark Alakazam, he has dark spots all around the edges and looks..dull? I see now the back of the card is spotty as well. If you'd like him I can throw him in for free.

With Golduck and minus the alakazam, you're at $48 dollars in cards, and shipping is About $7 for a padded


zukadex330 October 7 2014, 04:20:52 UTC
That sounds fine, i'll take that dark alakazam

I think i'll add the following:

Gengar Holo $5
Erika's Clefable Holo $4
Dark Blastoise Holo $4

I removed from the list Pidgeot 24/64 $1, i edited my first post yesterday, i don't know if you noticed that

this is the list of cards i'm looking for, let me know if you have any of them (mainly commons and uncommons that could have cheap prices)

Please let me know the new total by now, and if it's possible, if i can i get a discount for all that bunch of cards



x_xjokerx_x October 7 2014, 05:03:23 UTC
Hi again, I can't view the link without an account
EDIT: I got confused, Dark blastoise 20/82 got sold. THe holo one is still available

Dark Magneton 11/82 $2
Lapras 10/62 $2
Dark Weezing 14/82 $1
Erika Vileplume 5/132 $2
Misty Seadra 9/132 $1
Vileplume 31/64 $1
Moltres Promo 21 $1
Dark Alakazam 18/82 --
Dark Vileplume 30/82 $1

zapdos 16/102 $3
Sabrina Alakazam 16/132 $3
Lt Surge Magneton 8/132 $3
Misty Tentacruel 10/132 $3
Articuno 2/62 $3
Koga Beedrill 9/132 $3
Pidgeot 8/64 $3

Lt Surge Raichu 28/132 $2
Moltres 27/62 $2
Articuno Promo 22 $2
Brock Zubat 24/132 $2
Giovanni Pinsir 24/132 $2
Dark Dragonite 22/82 $2
Dark Slowbro 29/82 $2
Sabrina Golduck 30/132 $1

Gengar Holo 5/62 $5
Erika's Clefable holo 3/132 $4
Dark Blastoise holo 3/82 $4

That's $60. If you wanna add/change anything let me know and I can see what i can do for a price deal


kalakshepherd December 15 2014, 22:42:55 UTC
Hey I'm after cards designed by yuka morii. They are the cards with photographed clay models in real environments.

I've spotted two in you sales post and am interested in them, but am wondering if you have anymore? If so how much would they cost?

The ones' I'm interested in so far:

Bellossom 16/101
Togepi (uncommon) 56/105

Thanks in advance! :D


x_xjokerx_x December 16 2014, 01:37:45 UTC

Light Azumarill 13/105
Delibird 21/109
I have a japanese holo Lantern 045/087 from the aquapolis series
Slowbro 14/112

Linoone 34/106
Chansey 31/105
Shelgon 41/97
Gloom 35/101
Sentret 75/109
Girafarig 66/105
Dratini 63/105
Caterpie 53/75
Paris 72/112
Oddish 68/101
Gulpin 62/101
Seedot 61/92
Kabuto 56/75
Quagsire 48/64
Goldeen 45/64
Psyduck 79/105
Magby 58/92
Trapinch 78/97
Wynaut 71/92
Zigzagoon 74/106
Baltoy 43/106
Mareep 82/127
Xatu 29/107
Spinarak 78/109
Phanpy 69/107
Natu 66/107

There's probably more elsewhere but these are the ones surrounding me at the moment. As for price We can work out a deal to make it even, so just change for the commons and whatnot.


kalakshepherd December 16 2014, 02:07:35 UTC
Oh wow! I wasn't expecting you to have so many of them, that's awesome. :O

Could I please have a quote for all of those except for Quagsire? Thanks so much for looking for them. If it's not too much trouble, could you also list the price of the rares as well? Thanks!


x_xjokerx_x December 16 2014, 02:26:42 UTC
Sure thing!

Bellossom 16/101 $1
Togepi 56/105 $1
Light Azumarill 13/105 $5
Delibird 21/109 $3
Lantern 045/087 $3
Slowbro 14/112 $2

Linoone 34/106
Chansey 31/105
Shelgon 41/97
Gloom 35/101
Sentret 75/109
Girafarig 66/105
Dratini 63/105
Caterpie 53/75
Paris 72/112
Oddish 68/101
Gulpin 62/101
Seedot 61/92
Kabuto 56/75
Goldeen 45/64
Psyduck 79/105
Magby 58/92
Trapinch 78/97
Wynaut 71/92
Zigzagoon 74/106
Baltoy 43/106
Mareep 82/127
Xatu 29/107
Spinarak 78/109
Phanpy 69/107
Natu 66/107

.25 x 25 = 6.25

All those add to $21.25 with the uncommons at a quarter each.


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