
Mar 02, 2010 22:59

I recently had a request to share my User Interface. While I was in ICC10, I snapped a few screenies...only these two really seem to work very well, so I'll post 'em.

If you don't like WoW, well, um, carry on?

Click to Embiggen!
My UI out of combat. My raid frames are Shadowed Unit Frames. They're off-center in a 10-man, but they're centered nicely in 25. In the center of the screen is ShieldsUp, which lets me know how many charges of Water Shield I have and how many charges of Earth Shield my last target for said spell has. It'll flash a fake raid warning if either shield falls off. Minimap provided by SexyMap, and bars provided by Dominos. I'm a Clique healer, but I have the spells on the sides so I can watch their cooldowns or use them in an emergency if Clique is freaking out. I use Chatter to streamline my chat box. All in all, it's a good lightweight raid UI that works pretty well for me.

Click to Embiggen!
Here we are in combat. Hey, look, there's shardavarius on the left there in a nice action shot. Deadly Boss Mods, obviously, with the klaxon for "STOP CASTING YOU FSKING N00B" but I'm totally going to get that chain heal off before the disrupting shout hits, stfu. (The red at the edge of the screen is DBM; I don't have it going the entire time I'm in combat.) You can kind of see LibHeal working on Hellboy's raid frame, there--it shows me how much heal is going to hit. Yes, I'm overhealing and spamming chain heal where it doesn't really need to be spammed. That's just what we DO on trash. I use Quartz as my castbar, and the black bar attached underneath is my GCD bar. I've also got some Scrolling Combat Text going there on the left of my avatar, which I mainly keep up so that I can keep track of my overhealing during fights that matter (in {brackets}). Damage to me goes on the right side and scrolls up; heals and buffs are on the left and scroll down. Under my nameplate in the upper left are my totem timers; yes, those four colored bars that are completely unobtrusive and take up very little screen real estate. You can also kind of see my Power Auras--I have one for when Riptide is up, one for when my trinket is up, one for when I'm in Spiritual Trance, one for when Tidal Waves is up, and one for when I don't have Earthshield Weapon on. The ones you can kind of see are the trinket one, the Riptide one, and the Spiritual Trance one.

Not seen above that I use for raiding:

FuBar with MoneyFu, FactionFu, BagsFu, PerformanceFu, and ClockFu
Clique (already mentioned, but you can't really "see" Clique)
Mountiful (I has many mounts. This pulls random ones depending on the zone. I had a macro for it, but then I got too many mounts and the macro got too long.)
RangeColors (Gives me a better visual of who is in range than the default UI)
Addon Control Panel (lets me turn on and off addons at will without going to the character select screen)

What I also have going when I'm not raiding:

Bejeweled and Peggle
Advanced Tradeskill Window
Carbonite (thinking of junking this pretty soon)
VendorBait (automatically selects highest-selling quest reward)
AutoVend (automatically sells grays when you're at a vendor, and auto-repairs if the vendor is capable)

Like I said before, it's nothing special or particularly pretty (my jaw drops at some UIs I've seen), but it's functional and I know where everything is. I know my Clique bindings so well now that if I'm at someone else's computer, I can bind everything from memory and go run a heroic. I also use the Curse downloader, and because I'm a huge sucker of a loser I got the paid version so that the programmers who make my addons can afford Mountain Dew. And so my addon configuration is saved remotely because the last time I had to flatten my computer it took WEEKS to get my UI back the way I liked it. And so I don't have a giant ad taking up a quarter of the screen.


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