I hate going through old pictures. Especially when I havent slept in almost a day. And not much at that. So I'm a big mixture of feelings right now. Mainly tiredness. But looking at old pictures is not such a good idea. Because I get all sad. And emotional. Remembering certain times. Wishing some times had been different. Wishing some
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My last test for my CS Computer Networks class is tomorrow. I'm really tired right now, and I've barely started my crib sheet. I wish we got to use both sides, then I wouldnt have to write so tiny
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Gah. So much reading to do. Homework due tomorrow. And two homework assignments due next week. I should probably get started on the hwk that's due tomorrow.
Here's the story everyone's been getting when they ask, "What happened to you arm?" But you'll get more of the story than the 1-minute schpiel
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