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Comments 12

megan_moonlight March 20 2011, 16:26:50 UTC
Well, I've never checked this show out XD A couple of people from my f-list watch it, but they don't talk much about it...

maybe I really should check it out sometime XD


xafirah March 20 2011, 16:56:13 UTC
You can give it a try... :D It's a sitcom so it's easy to watch ;) Maybe you'll like it!


megan_moonlight March 20 2011, 16:56:52 UTC
Sure thing :3

Also, me likes your icon <3333


gallicka March 20 2011, 16:30:37 UTC
I'd be scare too if I woke up as a donut...

btw..how can he eat himself?


from_the_corner March 20 2011, 16:40:25 UTC
Maybe like Uroboros? ;)


xafirah March 20 2011, 16:52:23 UTC
LOL. I just pictured it.



gallicka March 20 2011, 16:58:16 UTC
omg poor donuts! that's like cannibalism! O.O


(The comment has been removed)

xafirah March 20 2011, 18:15:56 UTC
I know what you mean...
But I hope that when spring finally comes I will spend less time in front of computer and more outside, I need to lose some weight ;) Don't want to waste my life as a couch potato! ;)


mark_pierre March 20 2011, 18:44:07 UTC
Ach, jeden z moich ukochanych seriali! :)

Troy i Abed są histeryczni. :D
Dotarłaś już do odcinka "Modern Warefare"? Jest ROZ-KO-SZNY. :)

Wydaje mi się, że rozmawiałam z kimś na ten temat, ale możliwe, iż była to inbox-owa konwersacja.


xafirah March 21 2011, 07:28:52 UTC
Ach, jeden z moich ukochanych seriali! :)
Wow, serio? :D Nie wiesz czy jest nadawany na jakimś polskim kanale? (pewnie ma zmieniony tytuł i nawet bym nie skojarzyła, że to ten serial)

Tak, skończyłam pierwszy sezon :D Generalnie wszystkie odcinki mi się podobały, natomiast drugi sezon jest jakby nieco gorszy. Odrobinkę. Ale jeszcze sporo odcinków przede mną, nie jestem nawet w połowie ;).


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