Damn it, I promised myself I wouldn't do it, but I did. I've created a Live Journal account. While sober. Absolute boredom and lack of any sort of outlet have forced me to do it
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I know when I'm beaten, and in this case, I am. I knew from the begining I made a horrible wrong creating this journal. It's obviously your fault though. Had you not been such a horrible tool that abandoned his friends at the slightest bit of leg, I'd not been so depressed to create this journal. Because of you, I almost turned to suicide, but decided that character suicide is good enough (Have I gotten the blame thing right? Just want to make sure I've gotten this journal thing right).
Good. Now, in your next three posts vary up between adoration for your surroundings and intense suicidal thoughts. You should ALWAYS have more suicidal thoughts than happy ones though. ALWAYS.
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