2 AM

Nov 22, 2004 02:00

What am I doing up at 2 AM? Finishing my Science paper. This is not good. All weekend, I promised myself that I would get a good night's sleep, and not stay up the entire night. That plan kind of backfired, didn't it? :(

Flashback:I love purple. Can you tell? XD Um.. Yeah, finished the layout! Woot! Happy birthday! Not really good, I've never made anything larger than a banner before, but still! Better than nothing! Hehe. Couurtteneey.. Looks weird though, like her hair's cut off and stuff. And 800 x 600 resolutions probably won't be able to see it without the entries covering Cece's face. O_o Meh. I don't know why they would be using 800 x 600 anyway.. It's smmaaall..

I was looking through old entries, and saw that. It's.. weird. Now I find it totally weird to just blurt out 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!'. Apparently, I.. didn't back then. o_O

Oh, I finished making my Christmas list. Some may be greedy, but I'm really not expecting anyone to fulfill those for me. I mean, I'm 1009999% sure that nobody would get me Courteney movies on DVD. XD

Here's a link to psychme's post, just so you know what this is about. I'm gonna keep things online, for the most part.

1. A new layout. No, actually, overrides for a specific type of layout. (remember that awesome sketch? yeaahhh..) I'm too dumb to figure it all out.

2. My two front teeth The motivation to buy a new custom AV. o_O I have enough for 5, yet I seem to have become too attached to my FB money.

3. Courteney movies on DVD. Or... Courteney movies on TV! Oh, maybe one of my friends is secretly a TV station producer! :-p *gasp*

4. Tips on how to make really good graphics (especially icons). Or tutorials!

5. Oh, how I would love to make a proper poll again. *cherishes* o_O

6. Avatars, in case I get #2 and I'm too indecisive to pick one.

7. A new Mondler fic, or an update from those abandoned ones. Two things in one. Mwaha!

8. A newer version of Photoshop

9. A pretty Chandler and Monica/Courteney/Cybil/hottttthotty graphic of some sort

10. Pleasure UltraVibe 3000. KIDDING! Freaked you out, didn't I? *pointlol* I don't think that even exists.. I feel dirty now.

That's a pretty screwed up list.

If you wish to send me Courteney DVD's, mail them to:
Last Chance Motel
Middle of Nowhere, Nevada
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