(no subject)

Sep 24, 2015 06:22

itmejp's latest show, Fandom, has kicked off and it's a 3 hour World of Warcraft marathon. I'm less than 15 minutes in and, man, I want to play some WOW. Just recently I've had a little urge to play. Like I want an awesome character, with an awesome UI, doing some healing in some easy raids with some people on Vent or Mumble or whatever. I'd be levelling up through PvP with some dungeons... Or is the reality that I'd get bored to shit with all the new crap and hate having to learn a million new fights and dungeons? Probably.

Legacy servers, man, if only.

I'm, perhaps, a little inspired to attempt to write my WOW story again. Like, to get through the characters, the people, the fights, the raiding, the politics, the dramas, the highs, lows, good, bad and ugly.

This, though, these thoughts, they're why SWTOR has been my thing for the last few years. It's just easier to dip in and out of, it has fewer fluffy end-game systems diluting everything down. The ponderous rate at which content is released actually makes me *more* interested because it's not the endless learning.

It's not like I know SWTOR *really* well, mind you. I was only really up to speed on Ravagers normal mode. Everything else was under level, or I just hadn't done it, or I was doing Temple of Sacrifice with bad DPSers. Heck, I'm fairly unfamiliar with most of the end-game flash points because I never really had to deal with them as end-game.

But, still, I feel like it's something I could get back to, find some mediocre guild and see if something might happen. Hell, even if I wasn't going to raid I could just go PUG some stuff.


I've even had some odds and ends of thoughts recently. Like... not fleshed out, but just daring myself to think about a race, a class, a gender, a name... an alignment. Hell, since I'm here and still want to idly listen to a bit more of this podcast, here's where I'm at...

I'll play a healer, absolutely no doubt about it. 100% will be female and... oh shit... it's not *too* long until Halloween and does that mean the ghost thingummy costume will be back? I absolutely *must* make sure I do not miss that if it's a thing. I'd 100% use the Qoo appearance again.

Lightsabre vs pistols vs guns. The fuck-off big gun is cool, but I don't think Trooper is for me. I think, though, I could deal with using a pistol. So then I guess it's about class mechanics - and I guess I'm basically comfortable with all of them. Just more familiar with force healing than the two tech versions. I did well enough with Trooper, mind you. It was basically as I was quitting but it sort've seemed like it was just plain better in many ways, I had no issues jumping into Ravagers with almost no experience. Trooper sort've required more effort in 5-mans, and in a way was less forgiving.

I think I'd fancy a change, so probably a change of faction.

Agent. I don't much like Agent DPS - not the most fun levelling, but having stealth would be cool. What of the followers? Oh man, they can have any role or whatever... Kaliyo is cool. But, ah, I guess my follower will always be Lana because of the SGR (same gender romance). I also have like no idea what alignment I'd do Agent - because I'd want to find a new ending in the story... I guess I'd do like 100% light side or something. It would be: Act 1 just a nice person trying to do her duty, Act 2 confused but still nice... and now has two acts of discovering how shitty her Empire actually is. Act 3 navigates her situation as the good guy (girl) and eventually becomes a double agent.

... and I guess I'd have to read some shit to make sure I pick the correct options to get the ending.

Bounty Hunter. Maybe I'd ditch Lana for Mako. I really liked the BH set up I used right at the end, the look, the whole thing was cool. Using two cool pistols would also work just fine for me for style purposes. Oh man... the costume designer... I could totally carry off a few good looks. I wasn't really thinking about that. BH humans seem to have some neat options on the looks. The story isn't majestic, but there are some cool lines and I like the voice acting.

Yeah, the Agent voice acting would be an issue. I don't love it.

Inquisitor. Lightsabres are awesome but I don't love the companions, I don't like the story and I don't like the voice acting. I guess this is *so* why I wound up going Sage last time around - they somehow have an edge in some of these categories.

But, yeah, I could totally do another Bounty Hunter. I like the DPS levelling spec and would probably be okay with end-game DPS as one too. They have some cool companions - and I'd get to experience Skadge just one more time, be a dick to him and see if I can somehow justify keeping him around.

A fresh character, though, when the expansion releases to see how the game plays with all the new stuff, and really kinda get to immerse myself in it for a couple of weeks before getting down to the end-game. Man... hopefully Makeb isn't a PITA with the new system.


I wonder how the Cartel Market stuff looks on the GTN now? Maybe I have some rare stuff that's now embargoed, or maybe everything has inflated like crazy.


Just listening to this Podcast... as magical as some of my memories of WOW, man... I kinda wish I'd jumped ship from D2 much earlier so I could've had some of the crazy vanilla experiences. And had the good sense to roll healer had I done that.

Man, I can still remember the PvP Shadow Priest video I watched while I was waiting for WOW to ship... why didn't I go with that? I guess you never know quite how it would have gone... as a healer would I have gone the PvP route for the weapon? And what would have followed? But, ah, I bet some of those hellish vanilla experiences would've been completely awesome.

The way people talk about WOW back then, that it was so shit because of all the issues... who the fuck are they kidding? That means they were around, as addicted as anyone else, having the best fucking time! And so quickly forget how utterly forgettable and shit great stretches of WOW have been in the last few years.


JP is asking "so, BWL, what was your favourite fight?"

That's a tough question. In retrospect it wasn't my favourite instance, but if I'd been with Infernal Affairs, say, that instance would've been far more cool. I'd've always been DPS on Razorgore, I'd've spent less time tanking those middlish bosses, I'd've done just retarded amounts of damage on Nefarian.

But we never really had to *learn* that instance because of the Hack n Slash influence. So my favourite fights are for all different kinds of reasons. I think Razorgore gets it, actually, but for the 2-man stuff with Ellis after WOTLK was out. We actually had to learn that fight, create strategies, figure stuff out. We wiped a load of times figuring that out... far more times than I did when learning it at 60.

I wonder if that's how a lot of vanilla raiding is for me? Yeah, I think so. I wasn't really connected with most of those fights because I never really progressed through them like a serious raider. We got through everything kinda quickly. Never got to the serious end of AQ or into Naxx at all, where maybe things would've been more cool. It's probably not really until TBC until I get to fights that I really loved/hated/had some history and feelings about.
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