Title: Snowfall
xallegedlyxPairing: Puck/Kurt
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The happenings and musings of a cold December day. (A nice quiet winter wonderland story that has somehow spiraled out of control. Heavy use of metaphor and angst ensue.)
Author's Note: I've been sitting on this fic for almost a year! Decided to post it, put it out into the world.
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Comments 6
Great Job.
idk if i will be writing a companion to this. to wax poetic here, to me it feels like the end has about as much finality as life ever has. Puck is finally able to say what he wanted to all along. He is finally apologizing. and just by being there, just by comforting him, Kurt is forgiving him. I am a terrible TERRIBLE person about writing sequels. once i feel obligated to write it i can't. plus, i had to get this off my chest before i made the big move to kurt/blaine. canon is like my crack. since it's real i HAVE to ship it.
Beautifully written.
Sequel? Prequel?
Idk if i will be writing a companion. i've been sitting on this fic for a year now i'm ready to be done. however i'm sure i'll be writing equally sad!character stories over at kurt/blaine. dcriss=tooomuchlove
you never know. i might convert back to p/k. for now k/b is tooo cute not to ship. and too canon.
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