Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Ice
Summary: The first few seconds were the worst. Then came the tears. One-shot on Cho's reaction after seeing Cedric's body. Cho/Cedric.
Disclaimer: All rights belong to J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., and whoever else owns these rights.
Challenge: 30_kisses
Theme: Overflow
For more Cedric/Cho A scream tore through her throat as she crumpled to the ground. The ground felt like it was unheaving beneath her feet and twisting and grabbing her from below. her heart felt and icy stab and her stomach plunged with fear. It was cold shock. His face was still the slight breeze ruffling a curl that laid on his cold forehead. She wanted to reach out a touch him, just to check his pulse... Just to make sure there really was no pulse...
One of her friends pulled her up to her feet but she was transfixed that awful moment. A million thoughts were rushing through her mind and then silence. She shivered violently and shrugged off and friend who tried to hug her. She was frozen and her mouth could only utter a syllable.
She could scream it out. It tore her apart.
"Cho." Someone cried and grasped her hand. The crowd was parting with the constant motion of moving bodies a total blur in her mind. A few patted her on her back or touched her shoulder unsure of her to comfort her. She ignored them. Her eyes were red now from the tears that fell.
The clouds began to gather overhead in dark clouds that were twisting and ugly as she made her way down the bleachers numbly and then onto the green grass.
Mr. and Mrs. Diggory were crouched over Cedric's body sobbing and Cho stood off to the side still numb but not wanting to intrude on their personal moment.
"Oh, Cho." Mrs. Diggory cried and pulled her into a hug.
"I'm so sorry." She whispered before pulling away and looked down upon her first love.
Cedric had fallen sideways and his eyes were still open. Cho brushed away the curl from his forehead her finger grazing his cold pale skin.
She put her hand in his trying to distribute warmth to his body. But there was none.
The world was ice.
She could swear she was crying as she felt the overflow of tears. She felt so cold inside.