For as mundane as most of their world seems to be, that hasn't stopped Richard and Delilah Vasko from having some problems with the doors in their house. Specifically, the closet door of Richard's Workroom, which is really the single most inconvenient door to open to a place it shouldn't.
...Other than the bathroom door, really.
It used to regularly open to some kind of inter-dimensional bar and every now and again it's opened to various nexuses and similar bars, so Richard isn't entirely shocked when he opens it today to put away some tools and finds himself staring out onto a street in Xanadu.
He is, however, irritated.
Taking a step out after giving himself a few seconds to swear, Richard leaves the door propped open and backs into the street, staring up at what seems to be one of a few townhouse-style apartments. After calling his wife and explaining to her that something new is going on with “that godforsaken door”, he asks her to stay on the other side while he investigates just how stable this place's presence is in regards to his house. He closes it, walks down the street a little, comes back, and when he opens it again it opens right into his Workroom with Delilah standing excitedly on the other side.
It seems that their house opens into both their usual street via the front and back doors downstairs, and now onto a street in Xanadu with the Workroom door upstairs.
“Joy. Well, kitten, get your coat, let's figure out where the hell we are.”
And so, twenty minutes later, there's a new couple strolling the streets of Xanadu-a six foot man too thin, pale, and tired-looking to possibly be healthy, and his bright-eyed, downright bouncy little wife who examines all the shops and buildings with a growing sense of fresh adventure.
“Oh, isn't this fun! What a nice city, look at this, it looks so much bigger than Columbus! Oh, Richard, I wonder what the art scene is like, maybe if the door keeps opening to this place you could get involved in it! We should look for galleries!”
He nods patiently, restraining a mild sigh, and digs around for his cigarettes while they pause on a street corner.
“Yes, darling, perhaps I could, and perhaps we should. But I think the first order of business is really just figuring out where it is we are.”
Yeah, you know. The little details.