A Stunning Christmas present...

Dec 25, 2007 09:44

The fishy gift wasn't the only surprise I received.

Another friend gave me a present several days ago but she instructed me not to open it until Christmas. I complied. And, I took a photo after I recovered from my surprise. Some background: This gal is what one would call "a very hot number". She and I are great friends and do all sorts of things together. We attend movies, most of which are in either the "action-adventure" vein or, are of the "adult" variety. She is very sexual and continually talks about sex and having sex and wanting sex and... Well, you get the idea.

By the way, she is a "man-magnet", cute as all get out and she has the sweetest personality you can imagine. Anyway, I knew from the size and "feel" of the package it was a DVD. So, my imagination immediately pictured a movie such as "The Bourne Supremacy" or, something along the lines of "The Story of O".

So, imagine my surprise when I opened this: I have NO idea why she chose this. I have NEVER heard of "Rumi". I am dumbfounded by her choice. He was a 13th Century mystical poet who became a Whirling Dervish. He was a disciple of Shams of Tabriz. I'm sure you are all familiar with Shams.

Oh, well, it is the first Christmas where I received salmon AND a "Rumi" DVD all in one year! (So, I'll just "lay back and enjoy it" as they say)

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