I wasn't quite sure how to feel. What just happened kept on running through my head. What Ben had said to me...I wonder if his name now was still Ben. I just assumed that it was.
"So what did you want to speak to me about, and why me?" I asked him.
He replied, "They have sent me to make you an offer. A one time only chance for you to get back on the path of battling evil. They believe you have a unique soul...I am here to heal your wound."
I raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you sure you have the right guy? I have only helped Buffy over the years fight evil. I have never really done anything big myself."
"Despite your human fraility They have been most impressed with your actions. Don't deny the truth, it was you that stopped the Witch when she turned. You have served our cause well. Do you truly wish to continue in the twilight? Or will you dedicate yourself to the fight?"
I said, "Tell me what to do and I will help."
"I can begin whenever you are prepared. Think it over for a moment, ready yourself."
"So who sent you?" I wanted to know who was giving me my life back.
"You may know them as the Powers That Be. The pain will not be anything severe. Are you prepared then?"
I couldn't believe that the PTB were interested in me. Regular Joe Xand. "Yes. I think I am."
To have a eye growing is the weirdest feeling I have ever felt. I had just a socket before and now there was an eye there again.
I reached my hand up to touch it. My eyelid automatically closed. I ran my finger over it. It was such a difference from the crater that was there before.
Everything was a little blurry when I opened my eye again. I blinked a few times and I could see just fine. I looked towards Ben, and he appeared very clear.
I couldn't control myself again. Tears were flowing freely from my eyes, but this time was way different. It was tears of happiness that were coming from my eyes.
I looked at Ben, "Thank you."
"Remember Xander, your fight is far from over. Good luck."
Now...where do I go from here? I need to tell everyone. I looked at the clock. Crap. It's almost 1:30 in the morning. I guess I'll have to wait until morning to tell everyone. Buffy, Willow, Giles, and Dawn are probably all tucked in their beds. I wonder what Faith is up to.