this year is ending.

Dec 21, 2005 00:47

-a revision of last year's resolutions-

- lose the weight that i lost this past summer and have since regained, and then some.
- keep letting my hair grow long long long (check)
- get a manicure and a pedicure before the end of the year, just to pamper myself
- put myself first sometimes
- not be so much of a pack rat and keep my spaces tidier
- wear more color (check)
- have flawless, beautiful skin
- read every book i own that i haven't yet read
- get nothing lower than a b- in my classes (unless i take a math class in which a d or higher will do)
- to find a way to be with or without, instead of in between.
- learn to take my birth control on time
- cook more / bake more (check, briefly)
- spend less time on aim (check)
- watch less bad crime tv
- get my dvd player fixed (check, but it broke again)
- listen to more music and less of finding one cd and playing it for two months straight (check)
- complete my roald dahl collections
- have a savings account with a balance
- find a new job, leave hsbc, and move all deposit accounts to either citibank or first niagara. (check)
- draw more
- learn to knit (check)
- have more pets to play with (check)
- hug more
- own more jewelry (check)

resolutions oh five:
- lose weight and look hot. for real this time.
- clean and learn how to keep clean
- have a spa day
- continue to grow hair
- get more a's next semester than i got this semester
- get more sleep
- put school before my social life
- save some money
- develop a more steady routine and stick to it
- seriously cut back on the crime dramas. seriously.
- learn to like boys other than dave
- keep up my boots only project as long as i swore i would
- pay off credit cards.
- take more pictures of friends/carry camera more often
- be more confident/more open

and the surveys:

1. What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before?
i got a job as a waitress. i got more than one a in a semester. i was a hamster baby mama. i lived in an apartment and paid rent.

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
i kept a few and most of the rest, i carried over.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

4. Did anyone close to you die?
no, but someone close to me is very sick.

5. What countries did you visit?
still just canada. thank you being poor.

6. What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004?
same as last year. financial stability, love.

7. What date from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
nothing about 2005 stands out to me really.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
lost my job and managed to not fall into financial ruin and got another job where i make considerably more money in as few hours.

9. What was your biggest failure?
i am still a mediocre student, i still don't have the boy, and i live at home once again.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

11. What was the best thing you bought?
my new ipod? a dresser? so many boots.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
uhm...i have no idea. my brother for getting arrested and it being the funniest event in history.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
uh brian's exgirlfriend, dave as usual, myself on occasion for being a crappy student

14. Where did most of your money go?
shoes, random crap, books, and bills as usual.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
dave coming to visit me on my own turf.

16. What song will always remind you of 2004?
alicia keys - unbreakable
imogen heap - say goodnight and go
black eyed peas - my humps
kelly clarkson - behind these hazel eyes
btbam - all bodies
every song by beulah
destiny's child - lose my breath
amerie - 1 thing
death cab - where soul meets body
iron and wine - woman king
the fruit bats in general
kanye west - gold digger
shakira - la tortura
i'm sure there are more i can't think of right now.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? about the same.
ii. thinner or fatter? oh god fatter and hating myself.
iii. richer or poorer? as usual i am poorer. i get progressively poorer.

18. What do you wish you'd done more?
schoolwork and everything involving money

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?

20. How will you be spending Christmas?
with a house full of family probably more bored and irritated than i should be.

21. Did you fall in love in 2004?
not with anyone new, no.

22. How many one-night stands?
i don't have one night stands. i have self-respect instead.

23. What was your favorite TV program?
the same stuff i watched last year plus lost and criminal minds.

24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?

25. What was the best book you read?

26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
i don't think i discovered anything by myself but i was given a lot of good stuff by dave.

27. What did you want and get?
i got to go on a real date with the boy i love. i got a dresser. i got a new bed.

28. What was your favorite film of this year?
probably harry potter and the goblet of fire.

29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
i turned 23 and once again i don't think i did anything too exciting? i may not have done anything at all.

30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
closure or being with.

31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2005?
continuing to grow out hair, layering and wearing low cut things, being golden tan, boots, eventually trying to hide my newfound chubbiness.

32. What kept you sane?
crime dramas and venting to friends. starbucks.

33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
STILL BRITNEY. along with probably 150 other beautiful celebrity people i know way too much about. i'm ridiculous.

34. What political issue stirred you the most?

35. Who did you miss?

36. Who was the best new person you met?
i haven't really met any new real people save for people at work who i don't hang out with outside of the restaurant.

37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2005:
that people should listen to me more often because i am STILL RIGHT. but that my rightness doesn't apply to my own life usually.

38. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
love is a puzzle
some pieces they adjoin
it's not like that with us
but i keep flipping that coin

same survey oh four

1. Did you have a new year's resolution last year? yes and i listed them above along with the new ones
2.Who kissed you at midnight? no one. i was in bed before midnight
3. Does it snow where you live? uh YEAH
4.Do you like hot chocolate? love it
5. Have you ever been to times square to watch the ball drop? no and i don't want to.

1. Who was your Valentine in 2005? i have never in my life had a valentine which is depressing. i mean a boy valentine. i have had girl valentines.
2. What did your valentine get you? i think laura was my valentines date? or am i making that up? maybe i gave her a flower. i have a bad memory.
3. When you were little, did you buy Valentine's for your whole class? yep.

1. Are you Irish? not even a little bit.
2. Do you wear green on St. Patty's Day? i have an olive complexion and look sick when i wear green, so no.
3.What did you do for St. Patty's Day in 2005? not a thing i am sure. that's not even a holiday.

1. Do you like the rain? i don't mind is provided i don't have to go out in it.
2. Did you play an April Fool's joke on anyone this year? no.
3. Do you get tons of candy on easter? if i did i am sure i bought it for myself.

1. What's your favorite kind of flower? gerber daisies
2. Do you like the spring? it's kind of muddy but otherwise alright
3. Finish the phrase: April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? smiles.
4. What would you think of as a spring color? all pastels

1. What year did/do you graduate from school? 2000 and i have no idea when i will officially finish college
2. Did you go on a Vacation? no but a boy came to see me and we spent a night in niagara falls.

1. What did you do on the 4th of July? nothing. oh wait. i worked.
2. Do you go on any vacations during this month? no.

1. Did you do anything special to end your summer? no.
2. what was your favorite summer memory of '05? boy visiting.
3. do you go swimming a lot in the summer? god no.
4. do you go to the beach a lot? i've never been on a real beach.

1. Did you attend school/college in '05? yyyep.
2. who is/was your favorite teacher? stephen fleischer or alan spiegel.
3. do you like fall better than summer? absolutely. the heat this summer was WRETCHED

1. what was your favorite halloween costume ever? probably when i was like 8 and wore the grumpy bear costume with the gigantic head.
2. what is your favorite candy? hershey kisses or uh. smarties.
3. what did you dress up like this year? i wore kitty ears at work.

1. Whose house do you usually go to for Thanksgiving? we generally have it here and it's small.
2. Do you like stuffing? i can't eat it.
3. what are you thankful for? my family occasionally bailing me out. my friends being awesome. my hips. my nose. my collection of ridiculous britney shit. red delicious candles. sleep. my health. my kitty. my turtle. my hammies. books. television. movies. lots of little things but very few big things.

1. Do you celebrate Christmas? yep
2. have you ever been kissed under mistletoe? nope
3. what do you want this year for Christmas? tivo and digital cable. not to be in debt anymore. not to have to postpone christmas next year. to someday spend this frickin holiday with family i've chosen instead of family i've been stuck with.
4. what's the best present you ever got for Christmas? i'm not sure really.
5. do you like cold weather? i prefer it to hot weather because like arica says you can always layer more clothing but you can't peel off your skin in the heat. i hate sweating standing still. i'd rather shiver.
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