:head desk:

May 15, 2005 02:53

Some days it would be better not to get out of bed.

I just had a week like that. Not sure if it was good or not, but full on for sure.

My line manager wanted my plans for this term to look over by last Friday. Thing is, they are not officially due until next Tuesday, when all staff hand them in at the staff meeting. So I have been frantically putting things together in a hurry instead of doing it carefully over the week with a three day weekend to make sure it's all good.

So I had all the paperwork ready, plus she wanted my lesson overview for the week, my unit plan and detailed lesson plans for literacy, which is ten lesson for the four different groups in my class - what I do is planned but not as detailed as she wanted it. I spent the last week up to 11 or more every night to get it all done. Glad I had the lessons for the week already planned, not sure when I would have had time to do them otherwise

I also had parent Teacher interviews this week so I was getting home later anyway. She said she'd be there Friday to collect them, with the possibility of sitting in on a lesson or two to review my teaching.

After being worked up and stressed about it, she never turned up.

On top of that, the cough I have been fighting since January is a bacterial infection related to Whooping Cough called Partussas, so have been getting rid of lots of green stuff from my lungs as the medicine is clearing it. A very low dosage version as the one usually prescribed acts as a poison with the blood pressure stuff. The doc said it was a wonder I hadn't got Pneumonia.

Still mortified as the bank balance wasn't enough to pay for the grocery shopping. I'd checked the money but apparently not all the bills had been taken out.

Went to bed last night and slept for 12 hours.

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