Hey, what's Bink's talent? Isn't it suppressing magic or something? In one of the later Xanth books, his talent and the reason why he can't say it is clearly explained. Anyone know what book it is in particular?
Bink was Immune to MagicrodillonApril 10 2005, 04:32:43 UTC
Bink was immune to magic, but he could be killed by Mundane Means (i.e. you could kill him with non-magical objects). Magician Trent attempted to kill him in the first book "A Spell for Chameleon" because Bink was attempting to keep him from taking over the Land of Xanth.
I thought it was suppression, because that makes more sense in the context that the Good Magician couldn't use his talent to figure out what Bink's was. But that does make sense too. Now I need to go read Spell. Thanks!
Re: Man from Mudaniaelevator_grlApril 10 2005, 05:21:05 UTC
I think it was in a book later than that, I never read any books earlier than Demons Don't Dream, but I remember readings something that clarified. But I'll just start a Quest to read them all over again, so I suppose eventually I'll find out which one it was. :P
I think the book you're thinking of is "Harpy Thyme". The book with the harpy-goblin girl looking for another of her kind, and Trent helps her find him. Not sure on the title, but I know that's the right book. =]
Actually, I'm never sure on these titles anymore! I need to read them again during the summer, I miss 'em.
That's the right title, but I'm not sure if it's the right book. I read it just recently, so I know what you're talking about and they never mentioned what it actually was, so I don't think it's the book I'm looking for. But I'm so sure that they do clarify it all in yet another book! Or maybe I'm just mistaken.
No. Murphys talent was to make things go wrong. Vadne's talent was to change something's shape (she turned Millie the Maid into a book); Their son, Grey - his talent is to nullify magic. Sorry. lol
amen to that...except for the hardcover one, waiting till october to get that in paperback. do you like the later or the earlier books better? and more importantly...where do we draw the line? at what book do they go "later"? i think that they are all amazing...but i am a bigger fan of the earlier work, when he wasn't trying to appease everyone by putting in all their stupid puns.
Comments 16
Thanks. Linda Bergkvist rocks my world. :D
Actually, I'm never sure on these titles anymore! I need to read them again during the summer, I miss 'em.
Man from Mundania is about Grey Murphy, the child of Magician Murphy and Neo-Sorceress Vadne, whos talent was the nullification of magic.
...sorry. I've, um, read every book several times....and, um, own all the books too.
You own all the books?! That's freakin' awesome! If they ever went out of print before I could get them all I'd be extremely jealous of you....
No. Murphys talent was to make things go wrong. Vadne's talent was to change something's shape (she turned Millie the Maid into a book); Their son, Grey - his talent is to nullify magic. Sorry. lol
do you like the later or the earlier books better?
and more importantly...where do we draw the line? at what book do they go "later"?
i think that they are all amazing...but i am a bigger fan of the earlier work, when he wasn't trying to appease everyone by putting in all their stupid puns.
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