All my name info

Jun 30, 2003 11:50

Alright, I did this with communities, I'm going to do it with names.

In case you have no idea, I have a BIG thing for names. Names really interest me. So I'm going to collect all my name info here.

Here are lists of the most popular names of the last few years and decades. Names for me to avoid. ;) More popular names at social security. MSN talks about how to pick a name. Here's the Baby Name Wizard's name voyager - I LOVE that book! Here's names on IVillage, with the top names of 2006. Here's names on, and surnames. There are surnames on behind the name too. I found an Onomastikon, a gaming site. Name of the Year: collecting great names so you don't have to.

Some more general internet search engines: Yahoo! names, babyzone names, BabyNamesPedia, Wikipedia, perfect baby names, baby name center, 20,000 names, baby name guide, behind the name, parenthood, and Think baby names. :D

A girl named Diot Coke in 1379!!

Calliope (epic poetry) carries a writing tablet; Clio (history) carries a scroll and books; Erato (love/erotic poetry) is often seen with a lyre and a crown of roses; Euterpe (lyric poetry) carries a flute, the aulos; Melpomene (tragedy) is often seen with a tragic mask; Polyhymnia (sacred poetry) is often seen with a pensive expression; Terpsichore (choral dance and song) is often seen dancing and carrying a lyre; *Thalia (comedy) is often seen with a comic mask; and Urania (astronomy) carries a pair of compasses and the celestial globe.

Here's a great link that gave me the below info:

Some Interesting Name Statistics for Melinda Gonzalez
The Girl's Name Melinda is shared by ~132,300 people in the USA.
The Last Name Gonzalez is shared by ~457,400 people in the USA.
The First Name, Last Name Melinda Gonzalez is shared by ~210 people in the USA.
The First Name, Last Initial Melinda G is shared by ~4,750 people in the USA.
The First Initial, Last Name M Gonzalez is shared by ~50,840 people in the USA.
There are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.
How many have your name?

There are 140,972 people in the U.S. with the first name Melinda
414th most popular first name. (tied with 6 other first names)
100 percent of people with the first name Melinda are female.
Names similar to Melinda:

There are 497,902 people in the U.S. with the last name Gonzalez.
38th most popular last name.
Famous people with the last name Gonzalez:
Alex Gonzalez
Juan Gonzalez
Luis Gonzalez
Tony Gonzalez
Wiki Gonzalez

On the MSN homepage there was an article on name meanings (all gone, though here's a name article) complete with a place to look up your own.

My own name (Melinda) has a few meanings, depending on where you look. That site says Greek for "gentle, dark." Other Greek meanings I've found were honey, mild, soft and kind. Latin has me as honey as well. Anglo Saxon has me as grateful. Also Melinda is seen as either a combo of Melissa (honey bee) and Linda (pretty one), or derived from Melanie (black, dark complexion). One book even said that Melinda is from the German root lindi, which means snake. That's all the research I've done on my name. :)

There is a lot less debate on my middle name: Dorothea, from Dorothy, meaning "a gift of God." It is Greek.

Looking up Gonzalez on Wikipedia and, it is a patronymic name meaning "son of Gonzalo." The given name "Gonzalo" comes from the medieval name Gundisalvus, which was the Latin form of a Germanic name composed of the elements "gund," meaning "war" and "salv" which is of unknown meaning. It's Spanish.

Melinda is the #223 most common female name.
0.094% of females in the US are named Melinda.
Around 119850 US females are named Melinda!

Gonzalez is the #38 most common last name.
0.166% of last names in the US are Gonzalez.
Around 415000 US last names are Gonzalez!

I've gotten very into bellydancing, and so in honor of the dance I decided to pick a name. I did some research here, here and here, and I came up with a name, at least for now: Basinah Saahira. :D Here's my troupe name ideas.

Jacob, Emily Are Top Baby Names in 2001
Emily Has Been No. 1 for Girls Each Year Since 1995
.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (May 10) - It seems most parents turned to the Bible in naming their sons last year. Jacob, Matthew, Michael and Joshua were 2001's most popular names for boys.

Or perhaps last year's new moms and dads just looked to the kid next door. These names, along with the top names chosen for girls, have been in the top 10 for several years.

Emily has been No. 1 for girls each year since 1995. Madison and Hannah, numbers two and three, have been in the top 10 since 1997.

In the past 38 years, Michael has been bumped from the top spot only twice - in 1999 and last year - both times by Jacob.

Rounding out the top 10 names for boys in 2001 were, in order: Christopher, Nicholas, Andrew, Joseph, Daniel and William.

The list for girls continued with Ashley, Alexis, Samantha, Sarah, Abigail, Elizabeth and Jessica.

The list is compiled by the Social Security Administration and based on the number of applications for Social Security cards in the given year.

The list includes names of 2,072,242 boys and 1,985,062 girls.

Names that sound the same but are spelled differently, such as Sarah and Sara or Haley and Hailey are listed separately.

AP-NY-05-10-02 0943EDT
Copyright 2002 The Associated Press.

Here is a list of names I like from (and this is by far not a complete list....).

Aidan : AY-dunn : English : little fire/flame/fiery : (see: Aodhán)
Ainsley : AYN-zlee : English : one's meadow/field : (see: Ansley)
Aisling : Ais : ÆSH-ling : Modern English : dream/vision : (see: Aislinn)
Amalia : Ama, Lia : uh-MAH-lee-uh : German/Danish/English/Italian/Norwegian/Polish/Spanish/Swedish : work/labor/tireless : (see: Amal1)
Amaranth : Amara, Antha : Æ-muh-rænþ : Modern English : a type of flower
Amaya : ah-mye-ah : Japanese : night rain : (see: Ame)
Ambrose : ÆM-broze : English : immortal : (see: Ambrosius)
Ambrosia : omm-bro-SEE-ah : Old Greek : immortal : (see: Ambrosia1)
Amîra : ah-MEER-uh : Farsi : princess/leader : (see: Amira)
Angelique : æn-jih-LEEK : English : angelica : (see: Angélique)
Anja : ONN-yuh : Russian/German/Dutch : (see: Ana2, Anna, Anastasia1)
Annabelle : Anna, Annie, Belle : Æ-nuh-bell : English : beautiful Anna : (see: Anna2, Belle)
Aria : ARE-ee-uh : Italian/Modern English : an operatic solo
Ariadne : Ari, Aria : arr-ee-ODD-nay : Minoan : most holy / pure / the goddess of the moon
Ariana : Ana : ayr-ee-Æ-nuh : Modern English : silver : (see: Ariana2)
Arianwen : Arian, Gwen : ah-ree-ONN-wenn : Welsh : white silver : (see: Arian1)
Arianwyn : Arian, Gwyn : ah-ree-ONN-winn : Welsh : white silver : (see: Arian1)
Arwen : ARR-wenn : Welsh : muse / fair / fine / poetic inspiration
Arwyn : ARR-winn : Welsh : muse / fair / fine / poetic inspiration : (see: Arwen)
Aslan : OSS-lonn : Turkish : lion
Aurora : Auri, Rory : au-RORE-ah : Latin : dawn / the goddess of dawn : (see: Ausos)
Avery : AY-vih-ree : English : elf counsel : (see: Ælf, Ræd)
Branwen : Bran, Wen : BRONN-wenn : Irish : white raven : (see: Bran, Gwen2)
Branwyn : Bran, Wyn : BRONN-winn : Irish : white raven : (see: Bran, Gwyn)
Brayden : BRAY-dinn : Middle English : low hill/hillside : (see: Breden, Bray)
Brennan : Brenn : BRENN-inn : Old Norse : to burn / burning : (see: Brandaz)
Cambryn : Bryn : KOMM-brinn : Welsh : bent/crooked hill : (see: Cam1, Bryn)
Cassandra : Cass, Cassie, Sandra : kuh-SONN-druh : English : trapper/entangler of men / a prophetess : (see: Kassandra)
Cassia : Cass, Cassie : KÆS-yuh : Modern English : cassia juice (an herbal/cinnamon drink) : (see: Kassia)
Chryseïs : Chrys, Chrysi : KRISS-ee-iss : Modern English : golden : (see: Khryseïs)
Corwen : Cori, Cory : KORE-wenn : Latin & Welsh : pure heart : (see: Gwen)
Devon : Dev : DEH-vinn : Old English : devotee / poet
Dianessa : Dia, Nessa : dee-uh-NEH-suh : Erisian : ungentle day-goddess : (see: Dia, Nessa)
Dorothea : doh-roh-TEH-ah : Old Greek : gift of the god : (see: Doros, Thea1)
Ethan : Eth : EE-þinn : English : enduring/constancy/strength : (see: Eythan)
Gabrielle : Brielle, Bri, Ella : gæ-bree-ELL : English : strength/champion of El : (see: Gabriel1)
Genevieve : Gena, Geni : ZHENN-ih-veev : French : white/fair faerie/phantom/ghost : (see: Guinevere)
Guinevere : Guinne, Guinna : GWENN-ih-veer : Welsh : white/fair faerie/phantom/ghost : (see: Gwenhwyfar)
Gwendolen : Gwen : GWENN-duh-linn : Welsh : white/fair link/ring/loop : (see: Gwen2)
Hayden : HAY-dinn : Modern English : heathen : (see: Haydn)
Imara : Ima, Mara : ee-MAH-ruh : Kiswahili : solid/firm
Imbiana : Imba, Imbi, Ana : eem-bee-AH-nuh : Kiswahili : to sing together
Kharissa : khuh-RISS-uh : Modern English : grace : (see: Kharis)
Liliana : Lily, Liana : lih-lee-AH-nuh : Italian : like a lily : (see: Lilium)
Llewelyn : hloo-ELL-inn : Welsh : ruler/lion / shining
MacKenzie : mih-KENN-zee : Modern English : son of Cionneach : (see: MacCionneach)
Mallory :MÆ-luh-ree : Old French : unlucky
Marissa : Mari, Rissa : mah-RISS-uh : English : seawater : (see: Maris)
Mirabelle : MEER-uh-bell : French : extraordinary / wonderful beauty : (see: Mirabella)
Nadia : NAH-dee-uh : Russian/Croatian/Czech/Polish/Serbian : hope : (see: Nadézhda)
Nissa : NIH-suh : Scandinavian : elf/fairy
Oriana : Ori, Ana : orr-ee-AH-nuh : Latin : sunrise
Phoenix : FEE-nikks : Modern English : the capital of Arizona / the firebird : (see: Phoinix)
Quinn : KWINN : English : wise leader : (see: Cuinn)
Raiden : rye-denn : Japanese : thunder and lightning
Rain : Rainy : RAYN : Middle English : rain : (see: Regen)
Sabine : suh-BEEN : French : a Sabine woman : (see: Sabina1)
Serafina : Sera : sayr-ah-FEE-nuh : Italian : gods/angels / flaming serpents : (see: Seraph)
Silvan : Sil : SILL-vinn : Modern English : of the woods : (see: Silvanus1, Silvanus2)
Silver : Sil : SILL-virr : Modern English/Swedish : silver : (see: Seolfor)
Sparrow : SPAYR-oh : Old High German : small, brownish-grey bird
Tabitha : TÆ-bih-þuh : English : female gazelle : (see: Tabitha1)
Terrwyn : TAYR-winn : Welsh : brave
Tessa : Tess : TESS-uh : Erisian : four : (see: Téssera)
Umbria : Bria : UMM-bree-uh : Latin : the goddess of shadows and secrets : (see: Umbra)
Wade : WAYD : Modern English : river crossing / the act of wading
Waverly : WAY-virr-lee : Modern English : wavering meadow/field : (see: Ley)
Westley : Wes, West, Lee : WEST-lee : Modern English : western meadow : (see: Westleah, West, Ley)
Yuri : yoor-ee : Japanese : lily
Zafira : zah-FEER-ah : Arabic : victorious : (see: Zafir)
Zaria : ZAH-ree-uh : Slavic : the goddess of beauty
Ziana : Zia, Ana : zee-ah-nuh : Sumerian : heavenly life : (see: Diu)

Names Based on the Elements:

EARTH: Alluvia, Arroyo, Beck, Brae, Cairn, Chalcedon, Clay, Grag, Crystal, Dolman, Dune, Gemma, Greenwood, Grove, Jet, Ley, Mesa, Moraine, Obsidian, Onyx, Ravine, Savanna, Shale, Stone, Sylvan, Sylvana, Tarn, Telluria, Topaz, Tor, Vale.

AIR: Aether, Anemone, Argone, Boreas, Cardea, Gale, Hurikan, Keen, Khamseen, Mesembria, Miasma, Myst, Notus, Scirocco, Skye, Tempest, Typhon, Vortex, Windflower, Zephyr.

FIRE: Agni, Ardent, Baelfire, Blaze (my nephews middle name), Candelifera, Censer, Chandelle, Dittany, Ember, Firefly, Flame, Flint, Forge, Magma, Phoenix, Prometheus, Pyrrha, Salamander, Scorch, Smoke, Smolder, Sylph, Tallow, Taper, Torch, Vesta, Vulcan.

WATER: Amberella, Amphora, Aquamarine, Avalanche, Brine, Brook, Cascade, Chalice, Delta, Deluge, Dylan, Hailstone, Hoarfrost, Llyr, Maelstrom, Monsoon, Niagra, Nile, Oasis, Oshun, Pearl, Rain, Riverine, Scald, Serac, Storm, Telchine, Tide, Torrent, Trill, Tsunami, Wave, Weir.

Names From The Deva Kingdom:

Any flower, herb, or tree can be used from magickal names. Herbal names are common in the magickal community, but plants not usually heard include: Agrimony, Aloe, Amaranth, Anise, Betony, Buckthorn, Chervil, Damiana, Elecampane, Gentian, Germander, Lovage, Mastic, Medlar, Melilot, Oleander, Pomegranate, Savin, Samphire, Tamarind, Tarragon, and Yarrow.

You might want to choose the name of a plant that is considered especially magickal, such as Aconite, Belladonna, Blackthorn, Bryony, Galangal, Hellebore, Mandrake, Nightshade, Rowan, Vervain, or Wolfbane.

Folk names of plants provide unusual magickal names: Absinthe (wormwood), Anciana (pear), Azadarey, Buckrams (wood garlick), Camphire (henna), Catmint (catnip), Dwale (belladonna), Gallion (ladiesí bedstraw), Malina (apple), Maythen (chamomile), Personata (burdock), and Sanders (sandlewood).

Names From Myth and Legend:

Legendary and historical figures are archetypes that make powerful magickal names. Male power names include: Anu, Cernonnos or kernunnos, Shango, Cuchulain, Gilgamesh, Hercules, Marduk, Poseidon, Samson, Taranis, and Thor.

Female power names include: Ambika, Boadicea, Cartimandua, Delilah, Durga, Galiana, Kali, Macha Mong Ruadh, Morrigan, Myrine, Nessa, Onomaris, Oya, Scathach, and Vashti.

Female Amazon names include: Aella, Antandre, Antianira, Antiope, Clymene, Evandre, Harpe, Hippolyta, Lyce, Melanippe, Myrina, Omphale, Otrete, Pantariste, Panthesilea, Polydora, Thalestris, Thoe, and Xanthe.

Male centaur names include: Ancius, Argius, Centaurus, Chiron, Crotus, Dexamenus, Elatus, Eurytion, Hippotion, Hylaeus, Nessus, Oreus, Phrixus, and Thereus.

Satyr names include: Astraeus, Gemon, Lamis, Leneus, Lycon, Napaeus, Orestes, Pan, Petraeus, Phareus, Pithos, Poemenius, Satyr, Satyrion, Satyrius, Satyros, and Silenus.

Names of Nymphs include: Abrya, Andrastea, Anthracia, Asteria, Asterodia, Chian, Chryse, Cranae, Dryope, Echo, Harmonia, Leuce, Marica, Menthe, Moria, Myrtoessa, Neda, Nephele, Orphne, Perdix, Phiale, Philyra, Phyllis, Pitys, Rhene, and Thisbe.

Names for dryads include: Beldis, Clytia, Daphne, Egeria, and Erato.

Names for naiads include: Abarbarea, Amalthea, Argyra, Caliadne, Callirrhoe, Cleocharia, Creusa, Cyane, Diopatra, Drosera, Lara, Lotis, Melite, and Naiad.

Names for oceanids include: Acaste, Addmete, Argia, Asia, Calypso, Caphira, Chryseis, Daira, Electra, Eudore, Ianira, Ianthe, Idyia, Petraea, and Rhodia.

Names for nereids include: Autonoe, Dynamene, Evagore, Evarne, Galene, Glauce, Panope, Pasithea, and Psamanthe.

The names of male faerys include: Aillen, Amadan Dubh, Brown Man, Cluricaun, Gredne, Donn, Fachan, Finvarra, Ghille, Kelpie, Luchtar, Melwas, Oberon, Puck, Rhys Dwfen, Tamerlane, Trow, Tylwyth, Urisk and Wichtlein.

The names of female faerys include: Aeval, Aine, Airmed, Aoibheal, Banshee, Bendith, Caer, Clethrad, Cliodna, Donagh, Eri, Glaistig, Uaine, Grania, Mab, Summer, Titania, and Una.

Names From History and Geography:

History and mythology have provided these male names and titles for magickal adepts and gods of magick: Aba-aner, Abbarais, Apollonius, Carinondas, Carrefour, CuRoi, Damigeron, Dardunus, Djedi, Djeheuty, Ea, Enki, Fintan, Gwydion, Hermes, Hermes Trismegistus, Hifmoses, Irin Mage, Khonsu, Magus, Marduk, Merlin, Mithras, Musa, Necta-nebus, Numa Pompilius, Simon Magus, Thespion, Zamolxis, and Zoroastres.

Names of Witch goddesses and female adepts include: Angitia, Aradia, Arionrhod, Aset, Berchta, Carman, Cessair, Circe, Dalukah, Diana, Ertha Etain, Greine, Hallawes, Hecalene, Hecate, Helice, Maia, Margawse, Marie Laveau, Medea, Medusa, Morgana, Nemain, Nimue, Rhiannon, Tlazolteotl, Vivienne, and Yemaya.

Some names from geographical places include: Abydos, Alexandria, Amenti, Babylonia, Byblos, Carthage, Delphi, Eire, Erin, Giza Ionia, Karnak, Nubia, Olympus, Persis, Petra, Salem, Saxon, Sedona, Sumer, Tara, Troy, Tyre, and Umbria.

Some names from well-known magickal priests include: Adapa, Anmutef, Astronomus, Babalawo, Balahala, Balsam, Brendan, Camma, Flamen Dialis, Galli, Heirophant, Imhotep, Kristophores, Manethon, Nebseni, Neocoris, Orpheus, Osorkon, Pastophoris, Petosiris, Plutarch, Psonchis, Ramesses, Rom, Semeref, Semnothite, Stolist, Tchatcha-em-ankh, Zaclas, and Zarathustra.

Some names from well-known Priestesses include: Althea, Boadicca, Cleopatra, Devadasi, Dryope, Enheduana, Entu, Heira, Hypatia, Io, Ishtarith, Jezebel, Cassandra, Mambo, Nadith, Nefertiti, Phryne, Pythia, Qadishtu, Sagae, Shamanka, Sibyl, Tcherau-ur, Thastius, and Volva.

Male Druid names include: Amergin, Calatin, Cathbad, Dubhtach, Emrys, Lochru, Myrrdin, Niul, Olc Aiche, Ono, Rechrad, Senias, Sitchenn, Tages, Taliesin, Trosdan, Tulchinne, and Urias.

Female Druid names include: Aoifa, Birog, Bodmall, Camma, Druidia, Dryade, Fidelma, Gaine, Ganna, Geal Chossach, Milucrah, Sin, Smirgat, Tlachtga, and Veleda.

Some names of those killed during The Burning Times include: Agata, Appollonia, Babel, Barclay, Barthelemy, Brigida, Bruno, Chantraine, Duncan, Elspeth, Horne, Isobel, Jennet, Joan, Jordemaine, Kilian, Kirstin, Lachlan, Macette, Marable, Margarethe, Margrat, Melchoir, Mirot, Og, Osborne, Powle, Redfearne, Sabina, Sylvanie, Veronika, Visirer, and Wyles.

Names From Alchemy:

Alchemical names include: Alchemilla, Alembic, Antimony, Argent, Cinnabar, Electrum, Khemeia, Luna, Magistery, Qemt, Quicksilver, Regulus, and Zaphara.

Animal Names:

Animals, both real and mythical provide a good source of magickal names.

Dragon names for males include: Dracunculus, Drake, Draco, Firedrake, Mandrake, and Ladon.
Dragon names for females include: Delphyne, Dracena, Mandragora, Medea, and Tiamat

Wolf names for males include: Fenris, Lycaon, Lycastus, Lycomedes, Lycotherses, and Lycus.
Wolf names for females include: Faula, and Lupa.

Raven names for males include: Adam, Bran, Bram, Corvus, Kronos, Morvran, and Vron.
Raven names for females include: Badb, Eriu, Etain, Macha, Medb, and Nemain.

Bear names for males include: Arcas, Artaios, Arthgen, Arthur, and Wachabe.
Bear names for females include: Andarta, Artio, Brauronia, Calisto, and Ursula.

Serpent names for males include: Ananta, Mahanaga, Ophion, Ouroboros, and Python.
Serpent names for females include: Kundalini, Lamia, Pythia, and Serpentine.

Horse names for males include: Abraxas, Aethiops, Arion, Bellerophon, Chrysippus, Hippomedon, Hippomenes, Melanippus, Pegasus, Phaethon, Sterope, and Xanthus.
Horse names for females include: Epona, Hippodaemia, and Hipponoe.

Sun, Moon, and Star Names:

Astronomy and mythology are sources for magickal names taken from the Sun, the Moon, and Stars.

Solar names include: Amaterasu, Ammon, Apollo, Arinna, Aten, Corolla, Daystar, Greine, Helios, Inti, Ra, Saule, Shams, Solara, Sunna, and Sunflower.

Lunar names include: Albina, Bendis, Cereus, Hecale, or Hecalene, Hillel, Hina, Ix Chel, Lunah, Moonlight, Moonstone, Moth, Nannar, Nyame, Phoebe, Selene, Sin, Thoth, Yarisk, Zarpandit, and Zirna.

Astral names include: Aldebaran, Algol, Altair, Andromeda, Antares, Aquila, Ara, Arcturus, Astra, Capella, Cassiopeia, Celeste, Circlet, Cygnus, Eridanus, Hesperus, Lyre or Lyra, Mira, Nebula, Nova, Orion, Perseus, Polaris, Saah, Sagitta, Sirius, Sothis, Star, Stella, Triangulum, Ursa, and Vega. Each zodiac sign is also the name of a constellation, and thus a potential astral name.


It has become fashionable in neo-Pagan culture to join several words together in order to create personalized names. Some examples of this are: Mystic Greenwood, Tempest Blue, Ebon Morvran, Myrrha Moontide, Emrys Buckthorn, Dark Weir, Veleda Thorn, Chryse Daystar, Celtic StormCrow, Cairn Firefox, Aldebaran Mage, Midnight Baelfire, and Riverine Fae.

All this I typed from The Magickal Almanac.

obsessed, list, name, magic, muse, links, love

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