00:03 Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

Dec 15, 2010 13:51

Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo

Now that that's over and done with, let me go back to my job.

Just because its almost Christmas hols doesn't give you all the excuse to not continue your studies. You will learn something over Christmas or else

[Locked to Gokudera Hayato and Sasagawa Ryohei]Assignment:
Monday morning while everyone is outside the school. Ten meters away from the dorm, you fired an eight thousand fiamma volts flame directly towards the entrance. There is no tree or anything else to get in the way of the flame. Assuming maximum damage,
a) how much will the repair cost?
b) how much did the damage cost?
c) which parts of the building would be left standing?
d) will there be any salvageable materials in the wreckage? Would it be more profitable to re-use it in rebuilding the dorm? Why?
e) how would you explain it to your boss? To the ones living in the dorm?
f) what compensation should be offered to those affected? Why? (I demand this be feasible. If I see a 'I will give them a million dollars!' there will be a big fat F. DO NOT OVERCOMPENSATE, moron.)
g) an illustration of the damage. [/Locked]

[Locked to Bovino Lambo and Tsunayoshi Sawada]Assignment:
Read La Vita Nuova by Dante Alighieri. Translate two sonnets from the original Italian to English. Pick two sonnets from Shakespeare and translate it from original English to Italian. You can ask for help from anyone else, however, if I hear that someone has been doing your work entirely, I WILL end you. [/Locked]

[Locked to ALL who speaks Italian or English]DO NOT ANSWER IF SAWADA TSUNAYOSHI OR BOVINO LAMBO ASKS FOR HELP IN TRANSLATING ENTIRE SONNETS FROM La Vita Nuova or anything from Shakespeare. It's an assignment. However, a little help in translating lines and words would be okay.[/locked]

[Locked to Kozato Enma]Assignment:
Define the three components of the Accounting Equation.

If a business owns a piece of real estate worth $250,000, and they owe $180,000 on a loan for that real estate, what is owners’ equity in the property?

Categorize the following accounts as to whether they’re Asset, Liability, of Owners’ Equity accounts. Why?
Common Stock
Accounts Receivable
Retained Earnings
Notes Payable

For each of the following assets or liabilities, state whether it is current or non-current. Why?
Accounts Payable
Property, Plant, and Equipment
Note Payable

Pick a business (preferably something your family owns but in case your family is shit that doesn't share information, just pick one somewhere. A little hacking never hurt someone anyway). Answer the following.
What is the company's current financial status (profit/loss) ?
What were the company's operating results for the period?
What did the company use its cash for during the period.[/Locked]

If this is not given to me (personally, mailed or emailed) in a week, I will require you to stay after classes when I return and write 'I was a moron who did not submit a paper on time. I will not do it again' repeatedly (font size: 8, single spaced, no margins) FOR FIVE HOURS CONTINUOUSLY or FIVE PAGE LEGAL SIZED PAPER, BACK TO BACK (whichever comes last...and no, I don't give a fuck if you don't get any sleep). Otherwise, you might as well drop the class now or I WILL fail you. PAINFULLY.

Squalo Superbia

PS. Cavallone, my absence does not give you leave to fuck around with my our room. I will lambaste you. Kindly park your sparkly gay horse arse in your own room, thank you.

PPS. Ha! See?! I can be fucking polite and not shout at anyone. 'Anger management' my ass.

PPPS. (OOC: Posting might be more sporadic starting on the 20th, Christmas break and all that.)

event: class, !teacher-stuff

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