Comics day

Oct 14, 2010 00:55

I feel like doing a tiny bit about the comics I picked up this week. Well, one in particular. Should probably make this more of a weekly thing, do 'em proper, and maybe I will, but I've just got to say this much:

Booster Gold is the bright spot of joy in my comic-buying month.

Not that I'm not loving a bunch of other titles too. Finally picked up Chew (a year late, but if you're not reading it by now--start), Flash is fun, even if I'm waiting for Barry to become interesting because of himself, instead of just by virtue of being the man in the red pajamas. Brightest Day still has my attention, Generation Lost has some gorgeous art and engaging story, Secret Six is...straying a bit from the path, but still enjoyable. Gotham City Sirens and Birds of Prey are interesting...

But they're all so heavy right now.

I think Giffen and DeMatteis's work on Booster is, if not a breath of fresh air, at least a good dose of sunshine. Because while yes, there's still the issue of Max Lord and Booster trying to find a way to stop him and all the angst of that...

...Mostly, they're just writing Wacky-Fun-Times-With-Blue-and-Gold.

As it should be.

I love the serious stuff. But I like that while all that's going on, we get this too. Beetle actually realizing that Booster isn't "his" Booster is a nice touch, but they still don't go too heavy on it. It's just that Beetle knows Booster and all his little foibles so well. Batista's pencils are different, but his beats are perfect. That scene of Booster crossing himself? Priceless.
Laughs are milked, jokes are made, stories are told, emotions are tugged, fun is had.

And it's just plain good comics.

Besides, what other two knucklehead writers could possibly bring us Beetle!Munk?
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