After three months of constant rotation I've finally been moved to say this. Dear Katy Perry while I cannot fault even the flimsiest pretext for having lingerie clad lovelies pouting and squirming, for the love of little apples how is
I Kissed A Girl news?
This isn't even sleeping with a girl, this is, acording to the lyrics, getting tipsy and snogging some bird in a nightclub. Um. How the *hell* is this interesting enough to make a persistent chart song? Did everywhere regress a few decades while I wasn't looking? Everyone pretend the 90's never happened and Queen 'no such thing as lesbians' Victoria was right? I remember everyone acting like girls kissing girls was at least a little outre and interesting back in 1999 (previous to that I lived on the moon, I mean the West of Ireland and theres a five year time delay down that three hour train line). So sheltered Irish kids were getting it off during freshers week some ten years ago - why is this song here, now?
I think
Scary-go-Round puts it best with 'just get on with it' - or stop making like you're expecting a freakin' medal.
I mean look - it has annoyed me enough that its spoiled my enjoyment of some very nicely worn basques and stockings and thats just not on.
P.S. I am willing to credit Ms Perry with enough savvy to spot a niche for a gratuitous fluffcore video in the charts and squeeze it for every penny she could. I'd actually have a lot more respect for that, its somewhat craftsman-like.