I've noticed a shift in the flavour here on LJ from emoting about 'why does X/Y/Z snub me/not love me' to 'how am I making ends meet'. Looks like a shift down the
Heirarchy of Needs from Esteem or Love/Belonging to Safety which is a big flag for this recession starting to bite.
I've stuck my thoughts up on
Cobweb about the hows and whys, but I think theres a year or so of 'down' left in this before it levels off.
Out here... its SNAFU. A friend said you don't notice the down turn when you're living in poverty so that goes double/triple for here.
Thing is, I, and I imagine many of y'all, do not remember a time when we were working age and the economy wasn't on the up and up - or maybe just levelling off for a bit. This whole 'there may not be a job' thing is novel and not in a good way. I spoke to people when I was home and there was a flavour of 'I was intending to take some time, go travel, thats not happening now cause my job won't be there when I come back'. Similarly, my cousins classmates who went travelling out of college and came back to find the Celtic Tiger had rolled over and died in their absence.
Either way, I like how I was able to spot the heirarchy of needs shift. Shows that three years for the extra degree wasn't entirely wasted. Silver linings and all that.