Three Names You Go By:
1. Heather
2. Jonesy or Joneseses.
3. cupcake!! (haha)
Three Parts of Your Heritage:
1. German
2. Scottish
3. English (tiny bit) :)
Three Things That Scare You:
1. night time.
2. heights
3. dropping
Three of Your Everyday Essentials:
1. lip gloss
2. belt
3. color-coordinated shoes. :)
Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. pink tank top
2. all star sweat pants
3. glasses
Three of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists:
(from my playlist)
1. Postal Service
2. Death Cab for Cutie
3. Avril Lavigne ((her songs rock.))
Three of Your Favorite Songs At the Moment:
1. Listen To Your Heart by D.H.T
2. Taylor the latte boy by Kristen Chenoweth
3. What is this feeling? from the musical wicked. :)
Three Things You Want in a Real Relationship, besides Real love:
1. Fulfillment
2. Agreement
3. Confidence
Two Truths and A Lie (not in that order...):
1. I'm an animal lover. :)
2. I have my license.
3. I like to i dunno.
Three Physical Things About the Opposite Sex That Appeal to You:
1. It depends, but the basics are pretty much: Good Personality
2. Dresses well.
3. Likes me for me :)
Three of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. Acting, if thats a hobby.
2. Reading. Anything and Everything
3. Hanging out with my friends.
Three Things You Want to do Really Badly right Now:
1. Read.
2. Sleep.
3. Drive my car.
Three Places You Want to go On Vacation:
1. London, England
2. California
3. Austarlia
Three Things You Want to do Before You Die:
1. Face My Fears Head On.
2. See the 7 world wonders. and everything else liek that.
3. Get Married...and all the attachments. :)
Three People You Want to Fill this Out
1. eh.
2. huh?
3. *sigh*